Standard and EQ How can presentation software, such as PPT, increase productivity? BCS-CA2-5 Students will use presentation software through a variety of input technologies to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents.
Computer Applications 2 PowerPoint Lesson 3 Microsoft IT Academy
Computer Applications 2 Need to Know An existing presentation may be opened in PowerPoint 2007 by double-clicking on the file from the storage device. The presentation name may be verified by review the program title bar.
Need to Know The Quick Print will only print slides. Computer Applications 2 Need to Know The Quick Print will only print slides. Handouts are good to share with the audience for note taking purposes. A header and footer may be applied to the presentation to share additional information in the margin.
Computer Applications 2 Need to Know Headers or footers may be applied to the presentation using the command on the insert Ribbon. Printing the presentation in grayscale will conserve ink and may be selected using the Print What area of the Print dialog box. ijoiuoijlkmlikmlkjljmlkjlkjlkjl
Computer Applications 2 Need to Know When choosing the number of slides to print per page, there are six formats to choose from. The custom range area of the print dialog box allows the users to select the slide numbers or slide range to print. On the Insert Header/Footer dialog box you can select slide number, date and time, footer