The Top 10 Tips For Success By: Melanie Stuve
10. In Forest Gump’s words “You never know what you’re gonna get 10. In Forest Gump’s words “You never know what you’re gonna get.” Give every Hostess, every recruit and every client the same performance, opportunity and energy because you don’t know what you’re going to get.
Never Judge
8. Stay positive even when things don’t work out as you had hoped.
7. Leave the house with the expectation of success.
6. Have the dates that you want to work marked out on your calendar.
5. Know what you want and figure out how to get there.
4. Grow thick skin.
3. Give, give and then give some more.
2. Have fun and enjoy what you do.
1. Get yourself a Norwex Buddy
Thank you Melanie for sharing with us today! Questions? Thank you Melanie for sharing with us today!