Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 01 January 2019 Report of GRWG: Aims of meeting Review of Actions Proposal.


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Presentation transcript:

Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 01 January 2019 Report of GRWG: Aims of meeting Review of Actions Proposal for Re-structuring Tim Hewison

GRWG Achievements 2012/2013

GRWG Achievements 2012/2013 GSICS Corrections for GEO-LEO IR now Pre-Operational for EUMETSAT & NOAA Nearly pre-operational for JMA Reported by GCC Progress on GEO-LEO VIS: DCC – Thurs am session Lunar & other methods – Thurs pm session Special Issue – Reported separately

Top-Level Aims for WG Meeting Focus on GSICS Products! Documentation Release Roadmap Development of New Products

EUMETSAT’s GSICS Product Development Plan GEO-LEO IR DRAFT

Top Level Meeting Aims – for All #1 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Meeting Aims – for All #1 GSICS Products in General: Documentation Handling Multiple References Roadmap for Release of Operational Products GSICS Data and Products Servers: Format for Intermediate Datasets GSICS Bias Monitoring: Enhancements for web plotting tool Instrument Event Logs: Consolidated Approach from all GPRCs

Top Level Meeting Aims – for All #2 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Meeting Aims – for All #2 Interaction with other Activities: MICROS GPM XCAL – GPPA? IVOS ROLO And potential users: SCOPE-CM GHRSST ISCCP

Top Level Aims – for GRWG #1 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Aims – for GRWG #1 Reflected-Solar Band: Review of ATBDs Roadmap to prototype GSICS Products – when/who…? Reference – MODIS traceability & migration to VIIRS? Strategy for LEO-LEO GSICS products Statement on USGS setting up ROLO facility for GSICS Re-Analysis Products: Review of issues General strategy – e.g. Reprocessing, versions

Top Level Aims – for GRWG #2 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Aims – for GRWG #2 Infrared: Strategy for LEO-LEO GSICS Products Delta Corrections for Multiple references: Metop-A/IASI to Metop-B/IASI migration Handling midnight calibration issue with AIRS+IASI How to decide which is the reference instrument? Using NWP as inter-calibration tool Review of issues Improve Efficiency! Re-structure GRWG

Outstanding Actions on GRWG Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG05_04/05 Review error propagation example and consider how it could apply their solar channel calibration method GRWG (Solar Pis) Mar 2011 open GRWG05_38 The GRWG is required to inform the GDWG on what GSICS products are required to be archived. GRWG Chair (Hewison) Jan 2012 Open Joint06_04 Coordinate a special journal issue on solar calibration with the co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (G. Chander) USGS(Chander)+EUMETSAT (Hewison) Dec 2011 Closed GRWG06_04 Outline ATBD for the sun-glint method NOAA (Heidinger) GRWG06_08 Outline ATBD for the desert method CNES Jun 2011 GRWG06_16 Compile a list of existing activities concerning composite satellite imagery All GPRC to EUMETSAT 01 Jun 2011 GRWG06_17 Find out time overlaps between geostationary satellites (commissing and operational periods), find out about the availability of such data and publish this information on GSICS wiki All GPRCs 01 Dec 2011

Outstanding Actions on GRWG Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG06_25 Improved characterisation of desert sites, provide information on progress to GRWG (Update: on-going effort) GRWG(Doelling+Wu+Xiong+Chander Jun 2011 open Joint07_3R GRHSST is invited to review one or more of the current GSICS GEO IR product and to provide feedback to GRWG NOAA (Liang) Mar 2013 Joint07_08 Provide a progress report on the WGCV focus on desert sites and Rayleigh scattering, preferably by a web meeting in 2012 CNES(Fougnie) Dec 2012 GRWG07_02 Outline ATBD for Rayleigh Scattering CNES GRWG07_03 Extract the tropical DCCs from the MODIS archive and make that data available to all GPRCs, data issues to be discussed with GDWG NASA(Doelling)+GDWGChair(Jelenak) Sept 2012 GRWG07_08 X. Liang to present the NWP bias monitoring for ATSR & MODIS in 2013 GRWG meeting GRWG07_09 Invite A. Heidinger to give a presentation on the possibility to use the AVHRR Patmos-X dataset to support archive recalibration GRWG(Hewison) closed

Outstanding Actions on GRWG Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG06_25 Improved characterisation of desert sites, provide information on progress to GRWG (Update: on-going effort) GRWG(Doelling+Wu+Xiong+Chander Jun 2011 open Joint07_3R GRHSST is invited to review one or more of the current GSICS GEO IR product and to provide feedback to GRWG NOAA (Liang) Mar 2013 Joint07_08 Provide a progress report on the WGCV focus on desert sites and Rayleigh scattering, preferably by a web meeting in 2012 CNES(Fougnie) Dec 2012 GRWG07_02 Outline ATBD for Rayleigh Scattering CNES GRWG07_03 Extract the tropical DCCs from the MODIS archive and make that data available to all GPRCs, data issues to be discussed with GDWG NASA(Doelling)+GDWGChair(Jelenak) Sept 2012 GRWG07_08 X. Liang to present the NWP bias monitoring for ATSR & MODIS in 2013 GRWG meeting GRWG07_09 Invite A. Heidinger to give a presentation on the possibility to use the AVHRR Patmos-X dataset to support archive recalibration GRWG(Hewison) closed We have a PATMOS-x dataset at NCDC that spans from 1981 to 2012 and this includes our solar reflectance calibrated observations.  I do think this might be useful in geo/leo calibration studies.  Maybe PATMOS-x could serve as a relative calibration check of geo imagers in the pre-EOS era.  I am happy to try this. Will discuss at Users Workshop PATMOS-x will be recalibrated later this year once the MODIS C6 Level-1b data are available for the whole MODIS record.

GSICS Web Meetings 2012/13 Date Group Topics 2013-03-04/08 GRWG/GDWG Annual GRWG+GDWG Meeting in Williamsburg, USA 2013-02-?? GRWG+GDWG - F. Yu Preparation for 2013 Users’ Workshop 2013-01-29 GRWG/GDWG - T.Hewison/ A.Jelenak Preparation for 2013 GDWG & GRWG Meeting 2012-12-19 GRWG - T. Hewison The Moon and More Desert Targets 2012-11-28 GRWG Desert Targets - Outcome of Libya 4 workshop 2012-10-31 GRWG/GDWG - D. Doelling Follow-up on DCC method, including new MODIS data availability 2012-10-23 GRWG/GDWG - R. Roebeling/A. Jelenak Update on the Instrument Event Log 2012-09 - postponed Resolving the differences between NWP and GSICS bias monitoring 2012-09-04 Users Workshop 2012 Users' Workshop 2012-08-08 GRWG/GDWG - T. Hewison Preparation for 2012 Users’ Workshop 2012-07-19 Inter-Calibration of AVHRR and GHRSST-GSICS Interaction 2012-06-19 GDWG - A. Jelenak Data Servers, Formats and Datacasting 2012-05-23 GRWG/GDWG - F. Weng Absolute calibration for Microwave channels 2012-04-17 GRWG/GDWG - F. Yu Updates on the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance

GRWG Re-structuring - Motivation Following our initial success with GEO-LEO infrared and users’ demand for further inter-calibration products, GSICS is aiming to expand to cover other instruments and other parts of the spectrum. This requires the development of multiple techniques appropriate for different spectral bands. It is difficult for one person to keep abreast of all the developments in each of these areas, let alone guide the development of future products.

GRWG Re-structuring – Sub-groups GRWG chair shall continue to rotate with 3-year tenures with optional renewals, the chairmanship being selected by the Chair of the Executive Panel, upon recommendation from members of the GRWG. The GRWG should define one or more sub-groups And define a chair for each, seeking consensus agreement Sub-group chairs shall be selected with complementary fields of expertise to take clearly defined roles to lead the development of inter-calibration products for specific classes of instruments and/or applications. Sub-group chairs shall be responsible for organising and chairing portions of the agenda of the annual GRWG meeting as well as web meetings related to their topic, Monitoring actions related to the development of inter-calibration products in their field. Reporting progress to Exec Panel & Users’ Workshops could continue to be done through the GRWG chair, or by deputy chairs as available.

Defining GRWG Sub-groups/Chairs Microwave Already formed, but inactive Chair? Reflected Solar Band Infrared? Hyperspectral IR? Archive Re-Calibration? Other? Or GEO-LEO, LEO-LEO, etc…? Do we need to include GDWG in sub-groups? Membership of sub-groups not mutually exclusive!