What is Integrated Science? Integrated science is the combined study of biology, geology, physics, and chemistry.
The purpose of this course is to: introduce the student to science vocabulary and concepts. allow the student to conduct scientific investigations. apply science to everyday situations. examine career opportunities in science. develop critical thinking skills and good study habits.
Materials Needed for Class composition notebook clear tape pen or pencil library book
First Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity Bring in one roll of paper towels one box of Kleenex OR one canister of Clorox wipes for 10 points extra credit.
Citizenship Policy A citizenship mark will be given each time a class rule is broken. Two marks will be given if you misbehave for a substitute. A maximum of two citizenship marks may be worked off before or after school by completing one half hour of service for each mark. Cheating on any assignment or test will result in a zero and an automatic N that cannot be made up.
Citizenship Policy H: 0 marks and exceptionally positive behavior S: 0-2 marks N: 3-4 marks U: 5+ marks Incentive activities, sports, student government, cheerleading, etc.
Attendance Make an effort to be in class, on time, every day. Notes Demonstrations Labs Hands-on Activities Videos Science Starters
Make-up Work Only accepted with an excused absence through the office. You’re responsible to get your work. Blog (blog.wsd.net/manelson2) “What did I miss?” binder All make-up work is due one week from the absence.
Late Work Late work will be penalized 20% for each day it is late. After 5 days, no credit will be given.
Grades Grades will be based on homework, tests, quizzes, activities, and projects. Grades will be updated daily on MyWeber (the portal).
Available Help If you need help with an assignment or problem, you can raise your hand in class. come in during advisory. come in before or after school. Remember, I am here to help YOU learn. Please come see me if you need extra help!
Contact Information Email: manelson2@wsd.net Blog: blog.wsd.net/manelson2 Phone: 801-452-4800 Grades: myweber.wsdinfo.net
Assignment Read and sign the disclosure statement. Have your parents read and sign the disclosure statement.