J. Catalán, K. Autio, E. Kuosma, H. Norppa 


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Presentation transcript:

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Figure 1 Micronucleated binucleate lymphocytes hybridized in situ with centromeric alpha-satellite DNA probes. The cells are shown under UV excitation (a and c), blue excitation (b), or combined, blue-and-green excitation (d). a and b, Cell of a woman, showing two X-chromosome signals in an MN, hybridized with biotinylated DXZ1 detected by FITC. c and d, Cell of a man, harboring two MNs—one X+, hybridized with biotinylated DXZ1 detected by FITC (green), and the other Y+, hybridized with digoxigenin-labeled DYZ3 detected by TRITC (red). The American Journal of Human Genetics 1998 63, 1464-1472DOI: (10.1086/302092) Copyright © 1998 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions