Parent Involvement and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) District (LEA) and School/Building Expectations and Requirements Purpose of presentation – provide guidance to LEAs and Schools relevant to carrying out the requirements of NCLB and Parent Involvement Policy
Section 1118 (Parent Involvement) of NCLB addresses the following topics: District Parent Involvement Policy Reservation of Funds School/Building Parent Involvement Policy Shared Responsibilities Parent Compact Building Capacity for Involvement Provide participants with copy of the legislation – Section 1118
NCLB Definition “the participation of parents in regular, two way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities.” General definition of PI as it relates to NCLB.
Parent Involvement Policy District (LEA) Parent Involvement Policy The law reads: “Each local educational agency may receive funds… only if such agency implements programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents in programs assisted under this part… Such… shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.” Text from legislation: Sec. 1118 (a) (2). Provide participants with copy of model of parent involvement found in USDOE’s latest document on PIRCs.
Required Components of District Parent Involvement Policy The written policy shall describe how the LEA will involve parents in: Development of the plan The process of school review and improvement… Include citation from NCLB: Section 1118, (a), (2), (A),(B),(C),(D),(E),(F)
The LEA Will Provide: Coordination Technical assistance Other support Assistance in planning and implementing activities to improve student academic achievement Stress the final words regarding academic achievement and school performance
The LEA Will: Build the schools’ and parents’ capability for strong parental involvement Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies Other programs, such as: Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, and State-run preschool programs (MSRP). Consider local day cares as well.
The LEA will Annually Evaluate Content and effectiveness Identify barriers to greater participation Revise, if necessary
Reservation of Funds Reserve not less than 1% of such agency’s allocation … except that this paragraph shall not apply if 1% of such agency’s allocation … is $5,000 or less (B) Parents of children receiving services under this part shall be involved in decisions regarding how funds reserved … are allotted for parental involvement activities (C) Not less than 95% of the funds … shall be distributed to schools served under this part Sec 1118, (a) (3) (A), (B) and (C)
School Parent Involvement Policy Each school will: Jointly develop and distribute to parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy, agreed to by parents Copied text from the law – Section 1118 (b) (1). There are other parts to this section: (2) addresses if the school has a policy that applies to ALL parents that it may be amended to meet NCLB requirements; (3) addresses if the LEA has a school district-level parent involvement policy, such may be amended to meet the requirements of NCLB.
School Policy Annual meeting Convenient time Parents invited/encouraged to attend Explain Title I programs Requirements Rights of parents to be involved NCLB states that the PIP “shall…” Sec 1118 (c) (1)
School Policy Flexible number of meetings Use funds to provide transportation, child care, or home visits related to parent involvement (2) flexible, such as AM or PM;
School Policy Involve parents in planning, reviewing, and improvement of programs Including improvement of parental involvement plan and schoolwide program plan Note to listeners that the law under this portion (3) allows that if a school already has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school’s programs, he school may use that process PROVIDING such process includes an adequate representation of parents of participating children
School Policy A description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school Forms of academic assessment used The proficiency level students are expected to meet Respond to any suggestions as soon as possible There is also a (5) which provides that parents, if not satisfied with the schoolwide plan, may submit their comments on the plan to the school when the plan is made available to the LEA.
Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement Jointly develop a school-parent compact Outlines how the parents, the school staff and students, will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement What the law says regarding joint responsibility of the school and parents: Sec 1118 (d)
Parent Compact School’s responsibility: Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction Supportive and effective learning environment Enable children to meet State’s academic achievement standards Sec 1118 (d) (1); provide participants with copies of sample Parent Compacts
Parent Compact Parent’s responsibility: Support their child’s learning Volunteer in their child’s classroom Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time Examples of supporting their children’s learning listed in the legislation include: monitoring attendance, homework completion and TV watching
Parent Compact On-going communication between teachers and parents: Annual parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools to discuss the individual child’s achievement Frequent reports to parents on children’s progress Access to staff and opportunities to volunteer and participate in child’s class Sec 1118 (d) (2); highlight the requirement that the compact be “discussed”, not simply sent home for signature
Building Capacity For Parent Involvement Ensure effective involvement of parents Support a partnership with the school, parents, and the community Improve student academic achievement Section 1118 (e)
Building Capacity For Parent Involvement Provide assistance to parents in understanding: State’s academic content standards State and local academic assessments How to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators Sec 1118 (e) (1)
Building Capacity For Parent Involvement Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children Educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff, with the assistance of parents: To communicate Work as equal partners Implement and coordinate programs (2) Such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involement
Building Capacity For Parent Involvement Coordinate and integrate involvement in programs such as Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First Information related to school and parent programs is sent in a format parents can understand Provide other support for parental involvement as parents request
Parent Involvement Resources Engaging Parents in Education (USDOE): www.ed/gov/admins/comm/parents/parentinvolve/index.html Partnership Schools: Simple Solutions Educational Services: USDOE: Alliance for Parental Involvement: The Center for Comprehensive School Reform: Joyce Epstein - Center on School Family and Community Partnerships: National Campaign for Public School Improvement: 50 Ways to Involve Parents: Parent Engagement Information and Tools: Visit any of these sites to find research, models, etc., regarding parent involvement activities
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