Great Depression The Great Depression
Causes of Depression 1. Rise of consumerism led to the overproduction of manufactured goods Radios, cars, kitchen appliances were made in mass quantities on the assembly line. Who would buy all these goods? 2. Overproduction of wheat – led to problems for Canadian farmers who bought new equipment with credit Wheat prices peaked in 1924 Over-cultivation of fields depleted nutrients in soil which worsened the effects of the “Dust Bowl” when a drought began in the early 1930’s
Assembly Line
Dust Bowl
Causes of the Depression – cont’d 3. Protective tariffs (taxes) made domestic prices cheaper than imported goods from foreign countries. Led to the decline in world trade 4. Speculation (gambling) on the stock market by buying stocks “on the margin” led to the crash. This was the triggering event of the Great Depression
Stock Market Crash
How did the Canadian Government React? PM Mackenzie King ignored the problem, thinking it would solve itself – immediately voted out of power PM R.B Bennett created work camps Work Camps: isolated, poor wages, terrible living conditions (p.106/7) Workers formed a union and their leader was a communist; scared many government officials Workers went on strike to demand better pay, food, clothing and shelter – huge protests in Vancouver Led to the On-to-Ottawa Trek (1935) - over 1600 men jumped the trains to protest directly to the Prime Minister
On-to-Ottawa Trek
Regina Riot Bennett ordered the trains to stop in Regina, invited the leaders to Ottawa, hoping to calm things In Ottawa, talks lasted one hour, and the frustrated men returned to Regina where they gathered to make a new strategy Bennett ordered the arrest of the leaders and a riot broke out, one police officer dead, 130 protesters arrested Hurt Bennett’s reputation greatly, even though everyone returned to the camps
Regina Riot
Depression worsened… Bennett introduced millions of dollars in relief payments including: Unemployment insurance Raising minimum wage Critics accused him of trying to win the next election, not being genuine Lost election to King: “King or Chaos!” King had very little success, Canada emerged from Great Depression due to the outbreak of WWII
Depression ~ Prime Ministers Bennett King
Bennett’s Infamy Even though Mackenzie King had very little success helping Canada emerge from the Great Depression, PM Bennett has taken the greatest amount of criticism for his policies. As a result, he has left behind a legacy of jokes such as Bennett buggies
Rise of the CCF The 1930s witnessed the organization of workers into strong unions, especially in areas like the Prairies / the West Farmers were the hardest hit by the depression, and they wanted political representation – someone to listen to them. They wrote the Regina Manifesto, and fought for democratic socialist ideas (p.95) Rise of CCF (C0-operative Commonwealth Federation)– today’s NDP – fought for worker’s rights, social programs, relief
The Original “NDP”
Rise of the Social Credit Party The Social Credit Party was a grassroots conservative party that believed strongly that the government should reimburse citizens with small payments when possible. Founder was William Aberhart, or “Bible Bill” (he preached on the radio) Promised that every citizen would receive a “social credit” of $25/month if they voted for him, he did not fulfill his promise (the federal government wouldn’t allow these “prosperity certificates”, however he was Premier of Alberta for over a decade
The Union Nationale French Quebecers felt the economic problems of the depression were caused by the English minority in Quebec. Founded by Maurice Duplessis in 1935 Promises of defending Quebec culture, language, religion, as well as improving living and working conditions for French Quebecers led to their popularity right into the 1970s
In Need of Distraction Fireside chats by politicians in USA, CBC in Canada Canadian Culture – Radio as a form of distraction Hockey Night in Canada, Big Bands Dionne Quintuplets
Radio, News, and Entertainment
The Dionne “Quints”