Mr. Curtis World History Ch. 8 Nationalism Mr. Curtis World History
Nationalism in Europe Revolutions in Latin America changed the landscape of Central and South America. Revolts began within countries in Europe from 1815 to 1848. Different philosophies on government led to many clashes. Conservative- usually wealthy property owners and nobility. They argued for protecting the traditional monarchies of Europe. Liberal- mostly middle class business leaders and merchants. Wanted to give most power to Parliaments. Limit who can vote. Radical- favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people. Government should practice: liberty, equality and brotherhood.
Nationalism Nationalism- belief that the people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. Nation-State- when a nation has its own independent government and can defend its territory and way of life. Why were liberals and radicals most likely to support nation-states?
Nationalists Challenge Conservative Power Spurred by Nationalism, Greece won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1830. The Greek culture was preserved by the people and led to support from countries all over the world. 1830’s: uprisings started in present-day Belgium against Dutch rule, in Italy to unite the peninsula, in Poland against Russian rule. 1848: Many of these European uprisings failed and conservative rule regained its power.
Radicals Change France In 1830, King Charles X attempted a return to re-establish the monarchy in France. This was met with strong opposition and was eventually replaced by Louis Philippe who supported liberal ideas. After 18 years, Louis Philippe was overthrown by a republic government which quickly failed. The people called for a parliament and the election of a strong President. In 1848, Louis-Napoleon (NB’s nephew) was elected as President of France. Later named himself emperor. Why did the French people accept this title? Louis-Napoleon built roads, supported industrialization and public works which led to real prosperity in France.
Reform in Russia Alexander II- Czar of Russia, decided to modernize his country and enact major social change. The biggest change was the freeing of serfs in 1861. Industrial expansion also became a major factor to help Russia compete with other western nations.