PRODCOM survey in Poland
In Poland, PRODCOM survey is a part of wide product survey Conducted for national users and international organizations Complete and obligatory
Periodicity of national product survey: Monthly (P-02) Annual (P-01)
Obligatory for the enterprises: Annual survey (P-01) Monthly survey (P-02) Employing 10 or more people Principal or secondary activity is classified under NACE B, C Produce industrial goods or provide industrial services Employing 50 or more people Principal or secondary activity is classified under NACE section B, C Produce industrial goods designated in PRODPOL nomenclature for monthly survey In 2012 survey ~ 39 000 units In 2013 survey ~ 11 000 units
PRODPOL nomenclature based on PKWiU (national nomenclature of goods and services) and PRODCOM List To level of 6-digit codes corresponding to PKWiU codes 8-digit codes corresponding to 8-digit PRODCOM codes more detailed than PRODCOM 10 and 12- digit codes for national purposes. included (2012) 4995 goods or relatively homogenous assortment groups, within divisions 05-32 262 services, of which 253 within divisions 05-33 72% of PRODPOL headings directly equivalent to PRODCOM headings are more detailed. They are used to see level of production of specific products „hide” in the PRODCOM code.
PRODPOL example
PRODPOL definitions: Manufactured production - total production of goods produced during the reference period (including the production on order from materials provided by another company), which are intended for sale outside the company, to other subsidiaries of the same enterprise, and used for further processing Sold production - volume and value of sales during the reference period of goods and services, regardless of the time of manufacture (own production, manufactured on order using own materials and production commissioned to do a different company from materials provided) Industrial services - activities provided to other business units, which support production process, but do not directly result in material goods.
Survey questionnaire (P-01)
Data collection scheme CSO PRODCOM CSO publications Other users (eg. UN) Preparation of the questionnaire Analysis and veryfication of data at national level Acceptance of data sets Dissemination of data Preparation of PRODPOL list Preparation of guidelines for the data control RSO Wrocław Detailed control of data Enterprise Reporting portal Regional publications Data Notification Preliminary data control (e.g. comparison with monthly data) Correction of data Final tables Control tables
Publications On the basis of annual survey (P-01) On the basis of monthly survey (P-02)
Confidentiality Individual data Aggregations, where: All production coming from less than 3 producers One dominant producer, concentrating more than 75% of national production Legal basis: Ustawa o statystyce publicznej z 29 czerwca 1995 – Dz.U.Nr 88, poz. 439, art.38.
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