Wednesday 11/15 Agenda Materials TURN IN ANALYSIS QUESTIONS Bellwork Earth’s Layers Quiz Review Intro to Tectonic Plates Pencil Science Binder: 2 pieces of paper TURN IN ANALYSIS QUESTIONS
Bringing it all Together 11/14
Review Continental Drift Write down everything you can remember about what we have learned and Pass it to the person behind you. Add to the paper that’s now in front of you.
What are convection currents? Describe convection currents: What is a convection current? What do they do? What are convection currents? Circular movement of materials because of the transfer of heat. Hot less dense materials rise and take the place of cold more dense materials that sink. convection-currents-definition-examples-quiz.html
What do convection currents move? Take place in the mantle, so it moves the lithosphere (which is made up of tectonic plates) The top part of the crust rests on the lithosphere
Why did we change our minds when we started mapping to sea floor? We could see where new crust was being formed in the ocean that pushed the continents on the tectonic plates farther apart by adding crust between the continents. We could start to see the tectonic plate boundaries Why did we change our minds when we started mapping to sea floor? There are no gaps between tectonic plates!!!
Seafloor spreading: new crust is formed and them gradually moves away from the ridge. Mid-ocean ridge
Tectonic Plate Theory Theory that the lithosphere is divided into plates. There are no gaps between tectonic plates!!!!! Instead, what looks like gaps are just boundaries. Plate boundaries: where two plates meet Converge Diverge Transform (slide past)
Theory of Tectonic Plates What’s the difference? Continental Drift Theory of Tectonic Plates Continents were once combined as the supercontinent Pangea. Developed based on fossil, climate, and geologic evidence. Focuses on the movement of continents. Lithosphere is broken into tectonic plates. Developed based on knowledge of continental drift and CONVECTION CURRENTS Focuses on the movement of the Earth’s crust (which includes both continental and oceanic crust)
Continental drift, convection currents, plate tectonics Review Continental drift, convection currents, plate tectonics
Try to put all these words into as few sentences as possible. Plate tectonics Lithosphere Boundaries Less dense substance More dense substance Transfer of heat Alfred Wegener Fossil Evidence Climate Evidence Geologic Evidence Continental drift Convection currents Seafloor spreading