Death & Dying
Who? Elisabeth Kubler-Ross discovered the 5 stages of death and dying and contributed lots of research to THANATOLOGY The study of death and dying
Stage 1 DENIAL Shock and numbness to the news that you are dying “No it can’t be happening to me” The doctors/tests are all wrong!! Use denial to cope with difficult life situation
Stage 2 ANGER “Why me???” Likely to alienate themselves from others Feel cheated because of their shortened life span
Stage 3 BARGAINING Beg and plead with God for a certain amount of extra time May promise a drastic change in lifestyle Relatively short stage
Stage 4 DEPRESSION People are aware of their losses they are incurring Loss of job Body tissue Life savings Everyone and everything It is helpful to allow people facing death to express their sadness and not attempt to cover up the situation.
Stage 5 ACCEPTANCE The struggle is over and they are facing the calm period. The approach of death feels appropriate or peaceful. Seem to become detached intentionally so as to make death easier.
Death & Dying Brochure Using the book, have the students turn to page 145. This starts the stages of death and dying. Have them create a brochure, describing this information to someone who has been given news of their impending doom and this is the guide as to what to expect. The brochure should be creative and well designed, while explaining each stage. Also, remember what the individual is going through and be sensitive to their feelings. This assignment is worth 20 points and remember, the cover and back need to be decorated.