L.O. – What do we have to do in Unit 25? UNIT 25: A recap L.O. – What do we have to do in Unit 25?
We have already done lots of work on Unit 25… The lesson resources are all on the website You should look through the lessons and also look through the notes and tasks you undertook before Christmas It is important that you bring your knowledge of work completed during the Unit 25 lessons, but also your other Units, as the skills needed to succeed have been developed since Year 12 You need to show off your understanding in a synoptic way
Unit 25: Research for product development
All media products use research to inform the entire production process. Successful products are created using knowledge from the planning, production and testing stages The aim of the unit is: to develop skills to carry out research to underpin all production processes involved in creating a digital media product to understand the impact of research findings on those processes
Students will: investigate media organisations and the digital media products they produce develop an understanding of how to source relevant relevant information in preparation for producing an audio-visual media product develop skills in primary and secondary research to explore ways media production teams source, generate and evaluate usefulness and validity of information used for productions explore how pre-productions of digital media products are informed by research
Unit 25 learning objectives Unit 25 Research for product development LO1 Be able to conduct research for a digital media production LO2 Be able to use research to inform pre-production and planning LO3 Be able to apply research findings to the proposed production processes LO4 Be able to use research findings to promote the digital media product LO5 Know how feedback is used within research techniques
How are we assessed for this unit? Assessment for this unit is in the form of an examination 2 hour written paper Worth 80 marks Comprises of a research activity to be carried out before the examination using pre-release stimulus (see pre-release stimulus and exam paper) Your research notes are allowed in the exam Questions contain medium answer questions and those that require extended responses
When is the examination? The exam will be on Thursday 7th June 2018 (PM) You will get the pre-release materials about 2 weeks before the examination to make notes of your research findings In the examination, you will need to refer to the notes you made prior to the examination (these notes must be handed in with the completed examination paper)
During the exam You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding through a series of questions that require you to use research findings and justify sources and information (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Know how feedback is used within research techniques (LO5) Questions within the question paper will require you to analyse, assess and evaluate how research findings should be used.
Synoptic assessment 10% of the marks in each examination for this unit will be allocated to synoptic application of knowledge There will be questions that draw on knowledge and understanding from Unit 1: Media products and audiences and/or Unit 2: Pre- production and planning and/or Unit 6: Social media and globalisation that then has to be applied in the context of this unit You should think about how you will show this knowledge when researching and answering questions on the examination paper
January 2018’s Unit 25 Examination The pre-release project brief is the same for June 2018
Print it off. Put it in your folder to refer to later in the course Print it off. Put it in your folder to refer to later in the course. What are your thoughts about the pre-release material and exam paper?
In groups of 2 or 3s complete the following: Look at the project brief and highlight the key parts Remind yourself/research some of the key words from the brief (narrowcast channels, video on demand services, public service broadcaster, magazine show). Create a PowerPoint presentation highlighting what each of these things are giving relevant examples to support you findings We will feedback your ideas and others will add to their PowerPoints, as this will be used as revision aids later on