Matthew 5:1-12
Poverty (Gillin and Gillin) (p. 33) Poverty is when a person cannot maintain a standard of living (skala hidup) that allows them (and their families) to holistically function at the standard of their community because their income is too low or because they unwisely spend what they have.
Group work
Three theories (p. 33) Henry George: private ownership Karl Marx: Capitalism` Robert Malthus: population growth vs. production rate Source: Annenberg Learner
Crime (p. 37-40) Deviancy becomes crime when the society clarifies that a certain behavior is against the law or the undang-undang. White collar crime Blue collar crime Causes: Poor socialization Incorrect socialization Weak government Economic hardship
Two theories (p.39-40) Differential Association (Sutherland) (Soerjono Soekanto agrees) Strain Theory (Robert Merton)