Techniques for Using Excel
Substitution is a very simple way to change text in a spreadsheet.
EXAMPLE You receive a file with dashes in the account number Your Database has spaces in the account number We can easily change this with the substitution formula.
There is also a formula called Proper which I have found useful in working with spreadsheets.
EXAMPLE You receive a file with the name in all caps. WENDY SAPP You need the names to be capital first letter of the first name and capital first letter of the last name. Wendy Sapp We can easily change this with the proper formula.
Comparing Items When receiving returns from year to year, the items can be compared for differences or additions using a Pivot Table.
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A Pivot Table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets…It can sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet. What is a Pivot Table?
This is a technique used to convert several columns of data into one column.
Column A Row 24 is where the formula was entered
A24 thru A44 is what the data looks like after the copy and drag feature
Conditional Formatting allows you to easily see changes on a spreadsheet.
All Highlighted Data Is on Both Lists. Everything else has changed or is new.
Another example of a pivot table