Monday, March 19th Today will be the first day of three days for the SHARE presenters. Today will be talking about guarding your heart and relationships. Fill in Agenda with: SHARE presenters come in today.
Tuesday, March 20th Reproductive Health continues today with the SHARE presenters talking about STI’s. Fill in agenda with: SHARE presenters-Reproductive Health
Wednesday, March 21st Last day for SHARE presenters and Reproductive health. Today is about Media and Influences Fill in your agenda with: Last day for Reproductive Health Post Common Assessment is March 27th
Thursday, March 22nd Today we will work on the study guide for the Health 7 Common Assessment next Tuesday. We will check the study guide at the end of the hour. Health Common Assessment is next Tuesday, March 27th Fill in your agenda with: Work on health study guides
Friday, March 23rd Today we will present our drug projects with a flat chat thinking activity. Fill in Agenda with: Drug Presentations Common Assessment March 27th