Changes to Registration Processes Claudia Pinter-Lucke AVP for Academic Programs July 29, 2009
Changes are Short-Term Response to cancellation of regular Summer Session reduced FTES target For 2009-2010 Academic Year only If there is interest in making any of the changes permanent, request will be made through normal referral process
Rationales for Changes Many students who planned fall based on taking summer classes must revise their fall schedule Seniors need specific classes to graduate. Giving them priority on the first day of classes has been problematic Most students need 12 units for financial aid, insurance, benefits, etc.
Registration during August Fall Adjustment Period Currently Proposed Four Days No specific registration appointments; all students can register throughout the entire adjustment period Eight Days First day limited to students enrolled in the original summer session; first 12 hrs for post-bacs, seniors, juniors, next 12 hrs for sophomores, freshmen. Next three days - registration appointments according to class standing Last four days (which include a weekend) - available to all students
Registration during Fall Add/Drop Currently Proposed Add/drop begins four working days before the quarter starts and continues through the first five days of instruction. No specific registration appointments; all students can register throughout the entire adjustment period. Calendar would remain the same. First three days - registration appointments according to class standing Next six days (which include a weekend) - available to all students
Limit Units for Winter and Spring Registration Currently Proposed Students can register for a maximum of 16 units during regular registration Students can register for a maximum of 20 units via BD during add/drop Students can register for more than 20 units during add/drop by petition Students can register for a maximum of 13 units during regular registration (Four Year Pledge students can register for a maximum of 16 units) Students can register for a maximum of 20 units via BD during add/drop Students can register for more than 20 units during add/drop by petition