Class Overview Portfolio Comp. Art 3D Level 2
Mrs. Goepper, Instructor P.H.S. Teacher of the Year P.T.S.A. Humanitarian award P.H.S. Yearbook Dedication P.H.S. Golden Panther Award- American Education Week Blue Ribbon Schools Delegate to Washington D.C P.H.S. Faculty Appreciation Award Miss Mount Mansfield Junior Miss
Class Procedures 4 Teacher intro (Always be attentive.) 4 Begin by rows (Always stay on task.) 4 Clean up by rows
School and County Policies Attendance:sign/in-out admits required the next day. 2 points off for each unexcused absence Call school the day of absence by 8 a.m. 3 unexcused absences = SCHOLARSHIP WARNING in art No hall passes during class other than teacher assistants. Tardies: 1-detention 2- s.w.d.
EXAMS 4 Exams count 1/3 of semester average 4 Exam preparation in form of review sheets 4 Review worksheets covered in class end of 1st quarter 4 exam prep 3 days before exam
20% Assignments 4 Due every two weeks (total 4 each quarter) 4 Use class time wisely to complete the work. 4 Turn in work on time to receive full credit. 4 Always have your art in class. 4 Use your talent well.
Grades …composition ………..creativity ……………..technique USE OF CLASS TIME FOR ART PROMPT DELIVERY WHEN DUE
Japanese Origami Stabile Semester one Assignment # 1: Japanese Origami Stabile 4 Advanced Placement application: Breadth-warm/cool colors
Assemblage Semester one Assignment #2: Multi-Cultural Group Portrait Assemblage Advanced Placement application: Breadth-flesh tone colors
Geometric Abstract Stabile semester one Assignment #3: Geometric Abstract Stabile Advanced Placement application - Breadth-sculpture
Architectural Diorama Semester one Assignment #4: Architectural Diorama Seven 3D geometric structures four city zones five architectural styles
Clay Sculpture Student Choice Semester one Assignment #5: Clay Sculpture Student Choice non-functional in-the-round tasteful and appropriate winter break gift idea
Pattern Design Clay Relief Semester one Assignment #6: Pattern Design Clay Relief Advanced Placement application: Breadth-repeat design
Gypsum Sculpture Student Choice Semester one Assignment #7: Gypsum Sculpture Student Choice non-functional in-the-round tasteful and appropriate
Curvilinear /Rectilinear Gypsum Subtractive Sculpture Semester one Assignment #8: Curvilinear /Rectilinear Gypsum Subtractive Sculpture Advanced Placement application: Breadth-Sculpture
Grade Break-Down quarter one-
Grades Break-Down Quarter Two 20%-11/01 20%-11/15 20%-11/29 20%-12/13 20%-10/12-12/20-c.p.
Japanese Origami Stabile Multi-Cultural tones Assemblage Geometric Abstract Stabile Clay Relief Design Gypsum Abstract Sculpture (slides of these taken in April.) Advanced Placement Applications Semester One Japanese Origami Stabile Multi-Cultural tones Assemblage Geometric Abstract Stabile Clay Relief Design Gypsum Abstract Sculpture (slides of these taken in April.)
for tomorrow 3D Level Two/Portfolio building for tomorrow… today!