IEEE GRSS Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter Report Chair: Zhuosen Wang Vice Chair: Xiaofeng Li Secretary: Genong Yu Treasurer: James C. Tilton IGARSS, July, 2018
Current Membership Status IEEE GRSS Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter Current Membership Status 14 Fellows Active Member: 239 Members are from: NASA, NOAA, United States Department of Agriculture, Naval Research Laboratory, Department of Defense, United States Air Force University of Maryland, George Mason University, George Washington University Smithsonian Institution, Raytheon BBN Technologies etc. 50 Senior members IGARSS, July, 2018
IEEE GRSS Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter Activities(2017/07 – 2018/06 ) Speaker : Dr. Jiancheng Shi Affiliation: Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences Date: 3-October-2017 Title: WCOM: a new Chinese satellite mission for studies of the global water cycle Number of people in attendance: 50 Location: University of Maryland College Park GRSS Distinguished Lecturer: Yes IGARSS, July, 2018
IEEE GRSS Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter Activities(2017/07 – 2018/06 ) Speaker : Dr. Zhe Zhu Affiliation: Texas Tech University Date: 12-June-2018 Title: Monitoring Land Change in Near Real-time Number of people in attendance: 40 Location: WebEx seminar GRSS Distinguished Lecturer: No IGARSS, July, 2018
IEEE GRSS Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter Activities(2017/07 – 2018/06 ) Co-sponsor: The Sixth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine March 2018 IGARSS, July, 2018