Antigone Scene 2-3
Writing Workshop Reflection When you finish, write a one paragraph reflection describing how you feel your first writer’s workshop went. Tell what you learned and how you will improve on your next rhetorical analysis.
How might his statement, “A man should never be too sure of anything” apply to Creon? Scene 2; 7-13
How does the Sentry’s speech create sympathy for Antigone? Scene 2; 35-45
What law does Antigone recognize as the supreme one? Scene 2; 57-63
What is Antigone’s attitude toward death? Scene 2; 64-70
How does Creon feel about the bond between Haemon and Antigone? Scene 2; 155-156
What do Creon’s words suggest about his relationship with his son? Scene 3; 11-19
What do Creon’s words tell you about his views of government and his role as king? Scene 3 26-44
In what ways does Haemon’s speech reflect the ideals of democracy? Scene 3; 51-60
What do you make of Creon’s decision to bury a person who is still alive when he has steadfastly refused to bury a dead one? Scene 3; 141-149