The French Revolution
The Three Estates
Abbe Sieyes
Tennis Court Oath, June 17, 1789
July 14, 1789
The Great Fear
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Aug. 26, 1789
Women’s March on Versailles, Oct 5-6, 1789
Burning the Pope in Effigy after the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Confiscation of Clerical Wealth
King’s Arrest on the Way to Varrenes
Robespierre "Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible"
"Robespierre, with his cruel moral relativism, embodied the cardinal sin of all revolution, the heartlessness of ideas." Paul Johnson "The Spectator"
Napoleon as Consul, 1799
First Consul, 1803, Francois Gerard
Napoleon Crossing the St. Bernard, David
Master of Europe Appiani the Elder
Coronation of the Empress Josephine, David
Napoleon, Emperor of France Ingres