Books published by the Department of Social Epistemology Ilya Kasavin elaborates a version of the social, non- classical theory of cognition. With the help of concepts like experience of residents and migratory experience, heterogeneous and homogeneous ontology, ecology and structure of space and time, which are derived from the analysis and interpretation of the social sciences and the arts.
Books published by the Department of Social Epistemology Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality contains essays of Russian researches and published as a result of project SCIENCE AND RELIGION IN THE FORMATION OF VALUE SYSTEM FOR NEW CIVILIZATION The main task of the project is to conduct interdisciplinary and comparative research of the possibilities for multidimensional interrelation of science, philosophy and religion in the formation of the future value systems.
Books published by the Department of Social Epistemology Ilya Kasavin, Vladimir Kolpakov, Lyudmila Markova et al. Science and religion. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach. Kanon Russian- English.
Books published by the Department of Social Epistemology Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science , 2148 p. Editor: Ilya Kasavin The edition discusses and explains the ways of impact of modern logics, semiotics, cognitive, social- and psycholinguistics, cognitive and social psychology, sociology of knowledge and cognitive ethnography on epistemology
Books published by the Department of Social Epistemology Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs , 2148 p. Editor: Ilya Kasavin The book considers knowledge and cognition as elements of much broder realm, namely as a part of the world of human activity and communication. The edition tries to explicate to which extent the content and form of knowledge are determined by characteristics of social groups and social structures in which it is produced. It strives to discover relation and proportion between own disciplinary subject-matter factors and sociocultural determinative factors of cognitive process.
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science Epistemology & Philosophy of Science is a quarterly peer- reviewed journal established in 2003 by the Institute of Philosophy. It is the leading academic journal in Russia devoted to the themes in modern epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of science.
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science The International Editorial Council is represented by Vyacheslav Stepin (Russia), Vladislav Lektorski (Russia), Hans Lenk (Germany), Hans Poser (Germany), Tom Rockmore (USA), Gerhard Vollmer (Germany), Steve Fuller (Great Britain), Kurt Huebner (Germany), Rom Harre (Great Britain).
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science The journal is divided into 13 rubrics. The main rubrics are: Academy – presents articles written by acknowledged specialists in related fields Alternate Perspective – presents a text aimed at challenging certain conventional approaches Panorama – contains text devoted to a critical representation of trends, problem fields, traditions. Lecturing Desk – presents texts discussing conceptual and methodological issues in teaching epistemology and philosophy of science to students and graduate students.
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science Interdisciplinary Studies – offers texts written by non-philosophers, practicing scientists, who discuss philosophical issues Context – presents a content relevant to a broader field of epistemological research (cognitive foundations of religion, art, technique, politics etc.) Investigations into History and Epistemology – contains a historically oriented article which preserves epistemological significance. Archive –a translation of a classic text in epistemology or philosophy of science (till 1972) never translated into Russian before.
Call for papers Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences is pleased to announce its international conference David Hume and Modern Philosophy to be held to be held November 6-10, 2011.
David Hume and Modern Philosophy The ideas of the great Scottish philosopher in the context of modern discussions in the fields of philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, epistemology and philosophy of science will be the main theme of the conference. The following problems are offered for discussion: ontological and epistemological approaches to causality in modern philosophy and science; the problem of rule following in philosophy of language and Humean notion of habit; scientific method and argumentation theory and the problem of induction in Hume's philosophy and the modern philosophy of science; problems of intentionality and personal identity in modern philosophy of mind the nature of philosophy: problems of realism and skepticism; modern social and political philosophy and Hume's ideas; history of philosophy and D. Hume.
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