GENESIS of PRODUCT We wanted to develop a chair design that offered comfort, was relaxing and pleasurable to sit in and was effective in promoting back health. As a result, the device we created provides exceptional health and anti-fatigue virtues through the fluid motion and easily allows for extended sitting times. We believe our chair suspension design is revolutionary and may become the next Universal Standard in chair support design.
ABOUT OUR DEVICE A new core concept in chair support design Enjoyable, relaxing and comfortable Promotes better back health The ride control lever adjusts the ride soft or firm to suit weight and preference of the user
BIO MECHANICAL RESEARCH Increased the understanding of the mechanism of lower back injury and pain. Stabilizing the Neutral Zone of the lumbar spine results in better muscle control.
BACK MUSCLES Spinal Core Concept Neutral Zone o The Lumbar Multifidus Muscles (LMM) are important stabilizers of this zone Multifidus Function o Multifidi account for more than two thirds of the stiffness of the spine when in atrophy CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTION (CPM) o A technique in which a joint is moved constantly to increase range and motion o Promotes rebuilding joint tissue
THE CORE CONCEPT The device provides a new approach to easing the 8 to 10 hour workplace environment. The core concept is ergo-dynamically designed for fluid motion, is adjustable to personal comfort settings and is the chair of the future. A chair support system that must be experienced.
WHY OUR DESIGN? Its anti-fatigue and pro back health benefits The pleasant, fluid recreational feel of its unique Omni-directional motion. WATCH VIDEO
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Chicago Tribune Article Dr. Woodhams Paper (2010) Clinical Review (2010)