Human Reproductive System Pages 771 - 779
Male Reproductive System
Sperm Formation MEIOSIS Form in testes Temperature important! Scrotum Leave testes via epididymus to the vas deferens
Semen Fluids help to transport, feed, and protect sperm Seminal vesicles Prostate gland Bulbourethral glands
Secondary Sexual Characteristics - Male Produced by testosterone Deeper voice Axillary and pubic hair Chest and facial hair Lengthen bones Increased size of testes for sperm production
Female Reproductive System
Ovum Formation MEIOSIS Ova are formed before birth 1 ovum per month is matured and released from ovaries If the egg is not fertilized by sperm, the egg is released from the body – called menstruation (having a period)
Secondary Sexual Characteristics - Female Induced by increased LH, FSH, estrogen, and progesterone hormone levels Axillary and pubic hair Widen pelvis Enlarge mammary tissue Begin menstrual cycles
Fertilization Occurs in upper 1/3 of Fallopian tube Once one sperm enters, egg membrane changes Fertilized egg = zygote The zygote then goes to the uterus, where it will grow into a baby
Implantation Implanted into thick walls of uterus Chorion membranes dig into uterus to form placenta Embryo supported via umbilical cord Once pregnant, progesterone levels stay high in mom
1st Trimester Heart develops first Neural tube develops All body systems appear by Week 8 – Now a Fetus
2nd Trimester Mostly growth Looks more like a baby Some preemies survive at this stage
3rd Trimester More growth Kicking, rolling, stretching Eyes open – Week 32 Lungs mature Rotates to head-down position
Birth Labor Uterine contractions begin Cervix dilates to 10 cm. Birth Uterus pushes baby through vaginal canal Placenta delivered after
A word to the wise….. Raising a baby alone is not easy – this can radically change your life whether you are a boy or a girl It is best to follow God’s Word and not have a physical relationship (sex) before marriage – it may result in a baby, even if you are careful!
A word to the wise….. Not following God’s advice about physical relationships can lead to many diseases – Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV, AIDS, etc Unless you are married, don’t get the most life-changing STD of all – KIDS!!! (Just Miss Rebecca’s opinion )
A Cautionary Tale
A Cautionary Tale