How did William use terror to take control? L/O: To describe and evaluate William’s methods of taking control Last lesson you began to investigate castles and how William used them to control the pesky Saxons! Your homework this week is to: (2 WEEKS) Create your castle to make it as strong as possible and you can use the extra information sheet to help you.
Starter: Terror! Read through Source A on page 16 and in PAIRS: 10 minutes Starter: Terror! Read through Source A on page 16 and in PAIRS: List down all the things that have happened to these people Any things you can find that may suggest what happened to them. Extra: who was the source written by? Is it reliable? Explain your answer!
30 minutes What happened? Read through the information on page 16 (a-f) and put the story in chronological order in your books 2) Why do you think William had to react to this? 3) What did William do? Go back to your list from the starter and use this and sources B and C to describe what he did! 4) Read Source C. How does William feel about what he has done? Add quotes to back up your points. 5) Evaluate! Do you think what William did was a good idea? Explain your answer! Extra: Look at who wrote Source A and then Source B/C. Do they agree on what William did? How do they disagree? Who do you trust more? Can you explain why?
You are William! You have tried castles, you have tried terror! What else could you do to control the English?