WIEN Study Group Proposed Roadmap November 2004 WIEN Study Group Proposed Roadmap Stephen McCann 16th November 2004 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
WNG Interworking Documents November 2004 WNG Interworking Documents Technical Submissions to WNG SC Justified creation of WIEN SG Requirements from external groups 3GPP/2 WiFi Alliance Operators xDSL Reassessment within .11u Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
November 2004 3GPP Requirements According to TS22.234 (SA1), TS 23.234 (SA2), TS33.234 (SA3), TS24.234 (CN1): WLAN needs to support (U)SIM based Access Control WLAN needs to support Network sharing/Discovery WLAN needs to support Policy Control/Enforcement WLAN needs to support QoS for 3G services WLAN needs to support online/offline Charging Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
3GPP2 Requirements Summary of 3GPP2 interworking document November 2004 3GPP2 Requirements Summary of 3GPP2 interworking document Not completed Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Problem Statements from PAR November 2004 Problem Statements from PAR Network Detection and Selection This provides additional information to STAs about the characteristics of the network to support network selection decisions. As part of this, IEEE 802.11u will investigate aspects related to beacon scaleability. Secure Portal Page/IEEE 802.11i co-existence The majority of current hotspots use portal pages to support authentication and a solution is needed for allowing the full IEEE 802.11i to operate in parallel. Issues include support for new user sign up in IEEE 802.11i enabled networks MAC address anonymity This provides protection for the terminal identity Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Problem Statements from PAR November 2004 Problem Statements from PAR Policy enforcement Issue concern how policy rules from the network are enforced within the IEEE 802.11 access point Specific requirements placed on IEEE 802.11 by external network operators, where traffic enforcement policies are applied to user traffic. This particularly applies to the scenario where multiple operators share the IEEE 802.11 hotspot infrastructure. External QoS mapping Issues concerning specific external network requirements mapping to IEEE 802.11 Issues concerning the co-ordination of admission control between the air interface and external networks Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Problem Statements from PAR November 2004 Problem Statements from PAR Charging Specifically charging information, generated within the Access Point, is required to be communicate to the external network IEEE 802.11u will define a mechanism to collect such information Access Router identifier This is either within the beacon or is an information element within an IEEE 802.11k neighbor information element. It provides an indication as to whether handover is at layer 2 or layer 3. Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Document Procedure Problem Definition Requirements Selection Criteria November 2004 Document Procedure Problem Definition Requirements Selection Criteria Proposals Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Example Problem Breakdown November 2004 Example Problem Breakdown Network Selection Problem Additional information is required for STAs regarding the characteristics of the network to support network selection decisions (e.g. roaming capabilities) Requirements To enable network selection decisions to be made prior to the commencement of the authentication procedure Selection Criteria Must not contain secure information Solutions ? Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 November 2004 Proposal for January 2005 Try to complete breakdown for other 7 issues outlined in PAR Consider new items from 3GPP/3GPP2 and other documents Start requirements issue Start selection criteria issue Consider other issues Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor John Doe, His Company