L.O: To categorise, order and analyse information about this case 3 January, 2019 What does the Monkey Trial tell us about divisions in 1920s American Society? L.O: To categorise, order and analyse information about this case
Background: Rural v Urban America Traditional Values: Hard work Saving money ‘Clean living’ Vices of American society: Self indulgence Freer sex Material goods
Religion v Science South and Midwest Bible Belt Christian Fundamentalists (everything in the Bible IS literally true) Book of Genesis – God created the world in 6 days Evolution banned in 6 states as contradicted the Bible Modernists – challenge/reject traditional ideas e.g religious beliefs as outdated Darwin’s Evolution – life evolved over milllions of years ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union (to defend and preserve US rights and liberties) wanted to the challenge anti-evolution law
The Key People William Jennings Bryan Democratic politician Stood x3 for President Fundamentalist (devout Presbyterian) Clarence Darrow Famous US criminal lawyer Leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union John Scope Science Teacher in Tennessee who responded to the ACLU advertisement to challenge the anti-evolution law
Hmm, let’s do some thinking and linking then! But what about the Bigger Picture here………
INTOLERANCE Key words: fear division hatred
Describe the key features of the Monkey Trial in 1925 6 marks Social divisions between urban and rural areas Religious and Scientific confrontation between Christian Fundamentalists and modernists The trial and its outcome / impact /significance.