Voicethread in the classroom MEDT 8461 Fall 2009 Bethany Stiefel
Voicethread: What is it? Online media album that allows people to make comments using voice, text, audio file, or video and share them with anyone they wish (Cassinelli, 2009). http://voicethread.com/#u470528.b409.i848804
VoiceThread promotes: Why do we need it? Digital literacy among students Enthusiasm for multimedia creation More authentic peer assessment Good communication skills In-depth reflection Student creativity VoiceThread promotes:
Impact on student performance Data sheets Checklists Rubrics Student participation Teachers: Monthly (during BSTF & WWW meetings) Administrators: Quarterly (during faculty meetings) How? When?
Impact on student performance Teachers Grade Levels Administrators Who’s responsible?
Start with Volunteers! Evidence of use Implementation will be evident in: Student work samples Lesson plans Formal & informal observations Administrative walk-throughs
Evidence of Proficiency Students, teachers, and staff will be expected to improve their level of technological proficiency. Proficiency will be evident in: Student work samples Lesson plans Formal & informal observations Administrative walk-throughs
Teaching Learning Evaluation Student finished products Student commentary Teaching Student participation Teacher feedback (comments) Student commentary Learning
Key indicators of success Student Engagement Student Motivation SUCCESS
Funding Requirements
Factors Failed Innovation? Student work samples Data collected Student engagement Teacher observation Implementation method Factors http://voicethread.com/#u470528.b606908.i3233529
VoiceThread’s Versatile! Change of plan VoiceThread’s Versatile! Differentiate for grade levels Differentiate for subjects Differentiate for students
Ely’s Conditions of Change change model Ely’s Conditions of Change Dissatisfaction with the status quo Knowledge and skills exist Resources are available Time is available Rewards or incentives exist for participants Participation is expected and encouraged Commitment by those who are involved Leadership is evident
References Ellsworth, J. B. (2000). Surviving change: a survey of educational change models. Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology. Cassinelli, C. (2009). Welcome to the voicethread 4 education wiki. Retrieved from http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/