3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report Competition and Co-operation on the Market of Statistical Services
Participants of the workshop Erik Sommer DSt Désirée Vikse SSB Lisbeth Andersson SCB Rafael Backman SCB Fredrik Bood SCB Eva Meidner-Andersson SCB Bo Melkersson SCB Anders Rickardsson SCB Per Thörn SCB Tomas Thorén SCB Perttu Melkas SF Hannele Orjala SF Ulla-Maarit Saarinen SF Rina Tammisto SF
Main Topics Discussed Question: Why co-operation…..? Lack of resources Added value to product The co-operators knows the market better, contact with the market and have more degrees of freedom Increased knowledge about use and users
Other Topics Discussed Different ways of co-operation…. Degrees of involvement on the scale Co-operation ---- Partnerships ---- Alliances Norway: Co-operation+Partnerships + (Alliances). Finland: Co-operation + Partnerships + (Alliances). Denmark: Co-operation + Partnerships + (Alliances) Sweden: Co-operation + Partnerships + Alliances (co-operation agreement)
Main Conclusions and Recommendations (1) Competition or co-operation? It’s not or it’s and, depending on the topic or situation. Often you co-operate to produce a service, but when it comes to distribution of data you may face a contradiction of or at least different interests It’s desirable to find some agreement about the terms for competition or co-operation - What, How, When, Where…..
Main Conclusions and Recommendations (2) SWOT analysis about co-operation: First look at the positive side use each others strengths to meet the opportunities and at the same time together find solutions to your weaknesses and threats. It’s important to aim at creating a “win-win situation” for both sides. Resellers: No exclusive rights - treat everyone equal with secrecy. Different commission model but same challenges. They all expect to get something. You should try to know as much about the resellers activity as they should know about us
Additional Points Discussed in the Workshop The resellers have the market knowledge and tools but they don’t have the statistical knowledge Talks about areas where we shouldn’t compete or get to much involved like the consultancy market when it leads to decision making etc… We should be flexible and adapt to the market