Invited Speakers 1st EFTMS School: Jon Amster (USA) Giuliana Bianco (Italy) Katrin Breuker (Austria) Julia Chamot-Rooke (France) Catherine E. Costello (USA) Amadeo Fernandez-Alba (Spain) Joseph Loo (USA) Alexander Makarov (Germany) Alan Marshall (USA) Liam McDonnell (Italy) Eugene Nikolaiev (Russia) Peter O'Connor (UK) Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic (USA) Michael Przybylski (Germany) Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin (Germany) Wolfgang Schrader (Germany) Yury Tsybin (Switzerland) Evan Williams (USA) Roman Zubarev (Sweden) 1st EFTMS School: Advanced education in high resolution MS, FTMS Orbitrap, ICR Graduate, PhD, post-doc students, scientists Areas of biosciences, food, environment, chemistry and medicine Creating new links among young generation of mass spectrometrists 12th EFTMS Workshop: Bringing together leading academic and industrial scientists High resolution mass spectrometry ICR and Orbitrap FTMS Plenary lectures, oral and poster communications Fundamentals and technical innovations Applications in life, medical, food and environmental sciences PLATINUM SPONSORS SPONSORS PATRONAGE