Greek and Latin Roots Week 7 Arch, bene, beno, dict
Week 7 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below Week 7 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below. Title it day 1. Separate it into 4 sections. Write the root word at the top of each box. Write it’s definition, origin, and examples in each box. arch bene demo dict Definition: ancient Origin: Greek Examples: archeology, archaic, archives, archeologist Definition: good Origin: Latin Examples: beneficial, benevolent, benefit, benefactor Definition: people Examples: demonic, democracy, demonstrate, academy, demographic Definition: speak Examples: predict, dictionary, dictation, dictator
arch (Greek)=ancient
archeology Definition: study of ancient history Sentence: Thanks to the efforts of archaeology, excavators were able to discover a new species of dinosaur.
archaic Definition: from an ancient time Sentence: The original Ford Model T car is considered archaic when compared to modern vehicles.
archives Definition: a collection of ancient documents Sentence: Students looked through the archives to find primary documents for their research papers.
archeologist Definition: a person who studies ancient history Sentence: The archeologists worked hard at the dig site to uncover ancient bones.
bene (Latin)=good
beneficial Definition: having a good result Sentence: Vitamins are beneficial to your health.
benevolent Definition: good hearted and kind Sentence: Donating money or volunteering at a charity are benevolent deeds.
benefactor Definition: a good person who donates to causes Sentence: Someone who gives money to a charity is a benefactor.
benefit Definition: a gain of something good Sentence: You will benefit from studying and doing your homework.
demonic Definition: evil intentions in people Sentence: Her plan to rob the bank is demonic.
democracy Definition: a government where people vote Sentence: In a democracy people are given power when they vote.
demonstrate Definition: to show people evidence Sentence: I will demonstrate how to make a banana smoothie.
academy Definition: a place where people go to learn Sentence: My friend went to school at Columbia Academy.
demographic Definition: statistics about people Sentence: When the factory closed and people moved away, the demographics of the town changed.
predict Definition: to speak the future Sentence: When we make a prediction in reading, we think about what will happen next in the story.
dictionary Definition: a book in which spoken words are defined Sentence: A dictionary tells you how to spell words and their definitions.
dictation Definition: what is written down while someone speaks it Sentence: When students take a spelling test, students write words as the teacher dictates each word.
dictator Definition: a leader who speaks and rules by force Sentence: I’m glad our government is not run by a dictator.