Scene Explanations and Production Elements List We felt this was a good idea to make sure whilst filming we achieved the overall message of the scene. As well as having a clear list of equipment that we needed to keep us organised.
Scene 1 This is our opening scene. It shows each character 'revising' for their exam on the next day. Each character's attitude to how they revise reveals their character traits, for example Harriet is surrounded by lots of revision reflecting her heavy-revision based lifestyle, whilst Dan is watching Netflix. We decided to do this as the audience immediately get an idea of what each character is like. Production Elements: Location- Mollie and Megan's house Props- textbooks, posters, mind map, snacks, stationary, laptops, exam papers Costume- Every character specified costume Equipment- Camera, Lights, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Bryony Follette, Mateusz Heflik
Scene 2 2.1 In this part of the scene Harriet is with her mum who is pressuring her about her exams, thus highlighting the stress she under from her parents. 2.2 In this part of the scene Toby is on the bus texting Dan, this highlights the friendship between Toby and Dan and the responsibility Toby feels towards making sure Dan is awake. 2.3 This part of the scene shows Dan running out of his house because he has overslept and is running late, further showing more of his character. 2.4 In this part of the scene Yazzie and Lily are walking to school. Lily is freaking out about the exam, and Yazzie is calming her down by reassuring her that she knows all the stuff she needs to know. This further highlights Yazzie's calm nature and Lily's tendency to freak out. Production Elements: Location- A car, a bus, Mollie's house, street by school Props- Backpacks, Mobile phone, textbooks Costume- Every character specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Bryony Follette, Mille Duval, Mateusz Heflik
Scene 3 This scene takes place before the exam in a early morning revision session before the exam led by the student's teacher. We have used this scene to emphasise each character's personality, especially Dan. In this scene all the students are sat in the revision session, minus Dan, he then comes in late and the teacher tells him off for this, highlighting the stress the teachers are under to achieve high grades from their students. The shot then changes into a dolly across all the students as a voiceover plays, showing the characters feelings about the upcoming exam. Production Elements: Location- Ms LeCouilliard's classroom Props- Folders, textbooks, white board pen, Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette, Ms LeCouilliard
Scene 4 In this scene the students are walking from an early morning revision session to their exam. It is brought up that Dan hasn't done a lot of revision, and each character's response shows their character's attitude towards Dan and the exam. Production Elements: Location-The corridor outside Ms LeCouilliard's classroom Props- Backpacks Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette
Scene 5 In this scene, it will show all the characters enterign the exam hall and sitting their psychology exam. The invigultor will read out all the rules to a normal exam to set the scene up correclty. Throughout this scene, a shot of each character will be shown to see how they are copying with the exam. The shot shows Dan asking Toby one of the answers to a question. This is then interrupted by the invigulator reminding them about the rule of no communication within exams. Production Elements: Location-The New Hall Props-Exam papers, Exam posters, Clock, Whiteboard Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette, Mrs Wilkinson and extras
Scene 6 This scene takes place straight after the exam has taken place. Here all the characters are discussing how they think the exam went for them. Their reactions to the exam provoke a conflict between the characters as Dan had had enough of Lily’s confrontation. Production Elements: Location-The corridor near the exam hall Props- Backpacks Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette
Scene 7 This scene shows the teacher getting the results on results day morning. Here she reads out her class’s results giving an insight to the audience the grades that each student has got. Production Elements: Location- Ms LeCouilliard's classroom Props- Envelope with results in, Laptop Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Ms LeCouilliard
Scene 8 This scene is set on result day and it should show each character collecting their results and then discussing where this is going to take them. Here the results will hint at what pathway each character will take in the end. Production Elements: Location-The New Hall Props- Result envelopes Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette, Ms LeCouilliard, Mrs Keen and extras
Scene 9 In this scene, a shot of each character is shown explaining where they are now. Shows the characters at University, completing an apprenticeship , going back to re-train or going travelling. Production Elements: Location- Sixth Form House, Canopy, School theatre, Recording studio, Train station Props- Backpack, Textbooks, Coffee, 80L rucksack Costume- Every characters specified costume Equipment- Camera, Boom, Boom cable, Headphones, Light, Tripod Cast- Will Dobson, Megan Selley, Lucy Cullum, Mateusz Heflik, Bryony Follette