Coach Smith AP Human Geography Coach Smith
Course Description The purpose of the AP course in Human Geography is to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice.
Thematic… Not Regional Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Population Cultural Patterns and Processes Political Organization of Space Agriculture and Rural Land Use Industrialization and Economic Development Cities and Urban Land Use
Sample Activity Prepare an oral presentation or essay on topics such as current political issues, styles of residential architecture, or religion Participate in a field visit to a local city to make firsthand observations about cities and urban land use
Sample Test Question 2. English is the most widely used language in the world, thus becoming the world’s lingua franca. A. Define the term “lingua franca.” B. Identify and describe ONE historical factor that contributed to the worldwide use of English. C. Identify and explain TWO examples that show how globalization is contributing to English becoming the world’s lingua franca.
What to expect: Homework every night. Whether assigned for that night or open-ended assignments, plan on spending time with AP Human Geography every night. One of the most important aspects for passing the test is read, read, read, the book. Preparation to take the AP Test in May for college credit. In May, take the test, earn college credit (the AP test price IS way cheaper than taking the course in college.)
What to expect: Practice, Practice, Practice! Take as many practice tests as possible. Topics, and variations on questions, are repeated year after year. Practice exams from the College Board site are a great tool. Also, work with classmates, and grade each other’s essays when completed. AP graders are looking for two things—a thorough understanding of the material and a good argument. As far as your score goes, though, having an understanding of the material is slightly more important than having a good argument.
What to expect: Know your terminology: The vocabulary mentioned in the prompt is key to answering the question correctly. I place a great emphasis on the vocabulary of the course, and we will have quizzes throughout the year to make sure you are learning the vocabulary. Pay close attention to essay prompts and the terms they use: Evaluate or judge—discuss the value or wisdom of a belief or idea. Analyze—evaluate each part of the whole systematically. Identify—name something, typically members of a group.
Taking AP Human Geography can lead to a future in .. 71 Career Areas Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Mangers Announcers Civil Engineer Social Workers 20 College Majors Anthropology Environmental Studies Mass Communications Urban Studies
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