GAUGE MODEL OF UNPARTICLES Discovering the Unexpected


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Presentation transcript:

GAUGE MODEL OF UNPARTICLES Discovering the Unexpected Gennady A. Kozlov Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR, Dubna

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

Mediators, M SM, m CFT, m=0 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

The very high energy theory contains the fields of the SM and Banks-Zaks fields of a theory with a nontrivial IR fixed point. 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

CONFORMAL INVARIANCE At the quantum level, dimensionless couplings depend on scale: renormalization group evolution QED QCD are not conformal theories g Q g Q 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 8

g Q 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

CONFORMAL Symmetry Breaking & High energy scale 3 characteristic scales: -Hidden sector couples at M Conformal - EWSB CSB at g Q LU M Unparticle physics is only possible in the conformal window Width of this window depends on 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 11

UNPARTICLE PHASE SPACE The density of unparticle final states is the spectral density Scale invariance  This is similar to the phase space for n massless particles: “Unparticle” with dU = 1 is a massless particle. “Unparticles” with some other dimension dU look like a non-integral number dU of massless particles Georgi (2007) 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 12

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

TOP-quark DECAY Consider t  u U decay through Georgi (2007) For dU  1, recover 2-body decay kinematics, monoenergetic u- jet. For dU > 1, however, get continuum of energies; unparticle does not have a definite mass 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 14

TOP-quark DECAY Consider t  u U decay through Georgi (2007) For dU  1, recover 2-body decay kinematics, monoenergetic u- jet. For 2>dU > 1, however, get continuum of energies; unparticle does not have a definite mass 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 15

3 POINT COUPLINGS 3-point coupling is determined, up to a constant, by conformal invariance: E.g., LHC: gg  O  O O  gggg Rate controlled by value of the (strong) coupling, constrained only by experiment Many possibilities: ggZZ, ggee, ggmm, … Photon pT 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 16

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

UNPARTICLE INTERACTIONS Interactions depend on the dimension of the unparticle operator and whether it is scalar, vector, tensor, … Super-renormalizable couplings: Most important (model will follow) 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 18

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

2019-01-01 GA Kozlov

SUMMARY. For experimentalists Unparticles: conformal energy window implies high energy colliders are the most useful machines Real unparticle production  missing energy As for of the SM particles is concerned, - staff production looks the same as production of massless particles Multi-unparticle production  spectacular signals Virtual unparticle production  rare processes Unparticles: Quite distinguishable from other HE physics through own specific kinematic properties 2019-01-01 GA Kozlov 36