What to pay attention to and take note of Close reading What to pay attention to and take note of
Review: Rules of Notice Things to “notice” when you read: Titles Names and introductions of characters Setting (contributes to mood, affects actions) Epigraphs (quotes at the beginnings of works) Change in typography (italics, bold, spacing) Figurative language (metaphor, symbolism) Moments of high detail Uncharacteristic behavior Ruptures in time (flashback, flash forward)
Guide to Annotations It’s a conversation between you and the text: Use Rules of Notice Underline/highlight when you first meet characters. Beginnings and endings are significant Look up words you don’t know, and jot a definition nearby. Pay careful attention to any foreign language used Write in the margins! Predictions Reactions Connections: Text-to-text Text-to-self Text-to-world
“War is damaging brave people” “Likening him to a scared animal—a dog” “Down to a mechanical form, do all this without thought” “Treating/calling at him as if an animal” “How to alienate”