Webinar Presentation October 3rd, 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Webinar Presentation October 3rd, 2012 California Community Colleges Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456) Overview & Implementation Plan Webinar Presentation October 3rd, 2012

Chancellor’s Office Matriculation Team Linda Michalowski, Vice Chancellor, Student Services Division Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Dean, Matriculation & Early Assessment Patricia Servin, Allocations Specialist & Webinar Facilitator Debbie Sheldon, Matriculation Specialist/Counseling & Advising Chuen Chan, Matriculation Specialist/Admissions & Records Kimberly McDaniel, Matriculation Specialist/Assessment And, on the BOG Fee Waiver: Rhonda Mohr, Financial Aid Specialist

Webinar Tips General webinar overview Please send questions to: SB1456@cccco.edu or webinar chat room

Key Presentation Topics Understanding the Big Picture: How SB 1456 is part of SSTF implementation Review of SB 1456 provisions Gain an understanding of how SB 1456 will impact the community college Matriculation program (and BOG FW) Estimated implementation timeline Implementation and communication structure And, opportunity for Q&A…

Background Documents Available on the SB 1456 Implementation Webpage at: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/Matriculation/SB1456StudentSuccessActOF2012.aspx SB 1456, Chaptered SB 1456 General Overview Timeline Implementation Communication Plan Overview of Amendments

Fitting the Pieces Together: Student Success Task Force & the Student Success Act of 2012

Student Success Task Force: 8 Focus Areas, 22 Recommendations Increase college and career readiness Strengthen support for entering students Incentivize successful student behaviors Align course offerings to meet student needs

Student Success Task Force: 8 Focus Areas, 22 Recommendations Improve education of basic skills students Revitalize and re-envision professional development Enable efficient statewide leadership and increase coordination among colleges Align resources with student success recommendations

The SSTF Recommendations & SB 1456 First step to begin implementation of SSTF recommendations: 2.2 (mandated services), 3.2 (BOGFW conditions), and 8.2 (Student Support Initiative) Links funding to support: 7.3 Student Success Scorecard: Implement the accountability scorecard 2.1 Centralized Assessment: As a condition of receipt of funds, requires colleges to adopt common assessment if the college uses standardized assessment tests (when CCCAssess becomes available)

Signed by Governor Brown on September 27, 2012 Effective January 1, 2013 Student Success Task Force Recommendation 8.2: Student Success Initiative A.K.A. Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456)

SB 1456: Student Success Act of 2012 Provides a “policy framework” Re-purpose and re-focus Matriculation on core services of orientation, assessment, and counseling/advising to assist students in developing education plans Leveraging technology to reach a greater number of students Requiring Board of Governors to adopt policies to mandate orientation, assessment, and student ed. plans, along with an exemption and appeals process.

Overview of Bill Language EC 78210: Renames Matriculation Act of 1986 as the Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012 EC 78211: Delineates the Legislature’s intent for the Student Success Act: Aligns matriculation language to SSTF recommendations regarding services needed to support students in developing an “informed” ed goal, develping ed plans and declaration of course of study. Shared responsibility between instruction and student services, based on “evidenced-based” practices of what works. Targets funding on core services, such as counseling and advising, through a broad array of service delivery mechanisms.

Overview of Bill Language EC 78212: Delineates the student’s and the institution’s responsibility for the purpose of achieving the student's educational goals and completing the student’s course of study. To ensure students are not unfairly impacted, requires the BOG to establish a reasonable, phased-in implementation period based on resources available to serve students. Funded program named “Student Success and Support Program.”

Overview of Bill Language EC 78212: Student Success & Support Program funding targeted to core matriculation services for the following: Orientation services Assessment Counseling, advising, and other educational planning services Provision of services through broad array of delivery mechanisms, guided by sound counseling practices and principles Development of education plans leading to a course of study and guidance on course selection.

Overview of Bill Language EC 78215: Defines role of BOG in developing policies and processes for: Requiring student participation in core services; Exempting specific student groups; and, Requiring an appeals process. To ensure students are not unfairly impacted, delineates process the BOG will use to develop policies and requires the BOG to establish a reasonable, phased-in implementation period based on resources available to serve nonexempt students.

Overview of Bill Language EC 78216: Clarifies the use of existing matriculation funds for Student Success and Support Program services and BOG’s role in developing criteria for the funding formula. Identifies some considerations for funding formula, including numbers of students served.

Overview of Bill Language EC 78216(b)(4): As a condition of receipt of funds, requires districts to implement common assessment (if using an assessment instrument for placement) and student success scorecard, once these are established by the BOG. EC 78216(b)(5): Provides BOG with the authority to fund other services, as funding allows. EC 78216(c): Delineates plan requirements

Overview of Bill Language: BOG Fee Waiver Conditions EC 76300: Places conditions on eligibility for BOG Fee Waiver. Students must meet academic and progress standards, as defined by the BOG; The academic conditions would be phased in over a reasonable period of time as determined by the BOG. Requires adequate and reasonable notification to students

Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456) Student Success & Support Program Planning & Implementation Timeline Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Implementation Year 3: FY 15-16 allocations based on 14-15 year-end data reported Legislative report due July 1, 2016 System-level Planning Year: Implementation workgroups convened October 2012 to develop proposals for title 5 Matriculation revisions, new allocation formula, & revised MIS data elements & definitions New program planning & budget process developed SB 1456 effective January 1, 2013 District/College-Level Planning Year: Develop program plans Implement MIS changes & ensure accurate & complete data reporting Allocations remain consistent as prior year, new formula not applied Funding targeted to core services of orientation, assessment, counseling & advising, & other education planning services District/College-Level Implementation Year 1: Program plans & budgets submitted Continue to ensure accurate & complete data reporting Allocations remain consistent as prior year, new formula not applied Legislative implementation report due July 1, 2014 (biannually thereafter) Implementation Year 2: FY 15-16 allocations based on 14-15 year-end data reported Application of funding formula beginning this year

Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456) Student Success & Support Program Implementation Communication Plan Board of Governors Consultation Council Stakeholder Input Final draft proposals submitted for broader review & input CSSO Workgroup Matriculation Advisory Committee Counseling Advisory Group Implementation Workgroups develop draft proposals for input Title 5 Revision Adhoc Workgroup MIS & Allocation Formula Adhoc Workgroup Student Equity Workgroup Program Reporting Adhoc Workgroup Student Services Categorical Input Workgroup 1/1/2019

Overview of Implementation Adhoc Workgroups Chancellor’s Office Matriculation Regulations Revision Workgroup Chancellor’s Office Student Success & Support Program MIS & Allocation Formula Workgroup Student Equity Workgroup Program Forms and Reporting Workgroup Jan. 2013 Goal: The goal of the Chancellor’s Office Matriculation Regulations Revision Workgroup is to review existing title 5 matriculation related regulations and provide input into the development of a title 5 regulatory proposal that will align with, and implement, the provisions of the Student Success Act of 2012, Senate Bill (SB) 1456.   Workgroup Composition: to include: Chancellor’s Office Chair and Staff; Chief Student Services Officers (2); Matriculation Dean/Coordinators (5); Assessment (1); Chief Instructional Officers (1) Admissions and Records (1); Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (2 counseling faculty); Career Technical Education (1); Student Senate for California Community Colleges (1); Chief Executive Officer (1); Research (1)  Total Membership: 16 Goal: The goal of the Chancellor’s Office MIS and Allocation Formula Workgroup is two-fold: (1) To review existing MIS data elements and definitions related to matriculation services provided and reported by each district and consider revisions to improve the quality, consistency, and accuracy of data reported to the Chancellor’s Office; and, (2) To develop a new funding formula consistent with the requirements and elements detailed in the Student Success Act of 2012, Senate Bill (SB) 1456. Jan. 2013

To Volunteer for Workgroup Appointment… If you are interested in participating in the development of proposals to implement the provisions of the new Student Success Act (for matriculation), please complete a brief online application at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHVmb2pSNVd4cW9veHR4RHhmVUw5NVE6MA#gid=0   We are seeking volunteer representatives for matriculation, assessment, and student equity. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH. Please note: Faculty appointments will be requested through a separate process through the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. 

Send Questions or Comments… Any questions about today’s webinar or implementation of the new Student Success Act of 2012, please email: SB1456@cccco.edu

For Additional Information & Updates http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/Matriculation/SB1456StudentSuccessActOF2012.aspx

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