Left-wing parties in European politics Current trends in European politics April 12th, 2018 Heikki Paloheimo heikki.paloheimo@uta.fi
The concept of political left Origin of the conception French revolution: National Constituent Assembly 1789-1791 Reforming the society vs. sticking to the present Political left as representatives of socialist ideas Political left as representatives of Equality, social justice, freedom
Historical stages of political left in Europe in modern times First political left Democratization of the political system Representative democracy Second political left Socialist movement and parties Third political left Green movement Red-green movements
Types of left-wing parties Social democratic parties Radical left parties (Far left parties) Communist parties Green parties
Support for selected party groups in the last general election in Western European countries % of votes Data source: http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/
The golden age of social democracy in Western Europe Rising share in industrial workers in the labour force Keynesian economic policy: legitimized active government intervention in the markets Economic policy activism was conducive to social partnership in the labour markets Social democrats started to look at the state as a neutral institution for implementing various policy goals. International covenants and national legislation on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESC rights)
Support for Social Democratic parties in general elections in Western Europe as a percentage of votes Average for 1970-79, 2010-17 and difference Data source: Parties and elections in Europe <http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/>
The crisis and decline of social democracy in Western Europe Diminishing share of industrial workers in the labour force As a result of changes in industrial structure the relations between social democratic parties and trade unions have loosened Party membership has declined In the discussion on the non-desired effects of the welfare state social democratic parties have been internally divided and have given initiatite to centre-right and green parties The unpleasant economic side effects of globalization in Western Europe have hit most social groups that have been typical supporters of left-wing parties Modern welfare state as well as modern economies support individual ways to integrate into social, political and economic life On the macro level: social democratic policy programs have been mainly policies on a national level. Visions for social democracy on the international level are vague. Socialist International is effectively dead.
Support for party groups in European Parliament elections Data source: Wolfram Nordsieck: Parties and Elections in Europe. Nordenstedt: Books on Demand
The phase of globalization and counter-democracy Neo-liberalist globalization Liberalization of capital markets A new division of power relations From national to international From political institutions to economic institutions
Counter-Democracy Pierre Rosanvallon: Counter-Democracy. Cambridge University Press 2008
The phase of globalization and counter-democracy Collapse of the socialist regimes Emigration of smoke pipe industry from developed countries to poor countries Transformation of developed industrial societies into service societies Fiscal problems of the Western European welfare states Automatic rises in welfare expenditures Tax competition in open markets Growing public deficits
The phase of globalization and counter-democracy Decreasing trust on governing institutions New divisions in the party systems Decline of social democratic parties Rising support for populist parties Declining support for social democratic parties Identity crisis of social democratic parties New political activism in the spirit of counter-democracy
States with member parties and observers in European Green Party
Support for green and ecological parties Data source: http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/
Left wing parties in the European Parliament 292 meps out of 751 meps
Communist parties in the European Parliament European parliament election 2014 To sum up: 15 members out of 751
Support for left-wing parties in Central and Eastern Europe: aggregate figures for 20 CEE countries Source: https://edinburghpoliticsandinternationalrelations.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/whats-left-of-the-left-in-central-and-eastern-europe/
Support for political parties in Greece http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/greece.html
Support for political parties in France http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/france.html
Support for political parties in Spain http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/spain.html
Support for political parties in Hungary Source: http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/hungary.html
Support for political parties in Poland Source: http://www.parties-and-elections.eu/poland.html