Grammar Keepers 2nd Six Weeks
Write the following in your journal: Our = your Example: Our (your) children are counting on us. Our means belonging to us. Our is a possessive adjective. Examples: All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney)
Now let’s practice! April 24 The Water Cycle The water cycle is cool. I wish I was a tiny rain drop so that I could live in a cloud. But that’s not important right now. What’s important is that people are ruining it. I know we have enough resources for our lives. But what about our kids, and our grandkids’ lives? I can think of so many ways to stop pollution and wastefulness. Instead of using our gasoline cars, why don’t we just use electric cars? And instead of using our power lines and electricity, why don’t we use solar power? I’m not one of those people who devotes her life to saving the planet. But I do want to make a point. (your) —Miriam Stein Grade 6
In your journal today, see if you can use the word our at least five times., underlining each use. Write the proof (your) over each one.
Write the following in your journal: Are: Are = were Example: Are (were) you going to San Antonio? Are is to is as were is to was. In other words, are is from the verb to be. They are (were) looking forward to Christmas.
Now let’s practice! October 16 We’re all infected; the numbers lower quickly every day. You might be thinking, “Well, what do you mean we’re all infected? It’s not like we are all dead?” Well, I mean that the disease is so bad it’s now in the air. It is extremely contagious and we all have it as long as we are breathing air. Meaning that, as soon as we die we will all come back as a zombie. So far we have already lost many. In the 8th grade we have lost 3 out of 12 and many more in other grades. The school is our safe house. Unfortunately we cannot stay at school because then the dead would start noticing where all the living are and would break in. So every week day we can only stay 8 hours at the school. Then we have to go back into the zombie-filled world. We can return home which most of us do but we have to always have all the windows and doors blocked and lights off. We have to be quiet, too. We can’t leave without being prepared or making sure there are very few zombies in the streets and if not we have to snipe some with a silent sniper rifle to avoid attracting attention to the house. No one can be left alone or behind. We work together. No one is stupid enough to work alone in this crewel world. Those who do work alone because they believe he/ she is good enough to survive alone have already been bitten along time ago or it’s just a matter of time before they do get bit. Those who are alone because their group was bit should find a new group as soon as possible. And the biggest group possible. All groups welcome new people. You can never have enough help in the apocalypse
In your journal today, see if you can use the word are at least five times., underlining each use. Write the proof (were) over each one.