Figure 3 Example wireless motility recording Figure 3 | Example wireless motility recording. Wireless motility recordings in a healthy male participant (part a) and a female patient with severe constipation (part b) are shown. Gastric emptying in the control individual (part a) occurs after ~3 h (upper limit of normal: 5–6 h) and is preceded by strong antral contractions suggestive of antral phase III motility (red arrow). A constant decrease in pH at ~6 h 30 min (green arrow) marks ileocaecal transit, such that small bowel transit time is estimated to be ~3 h 30 min (normal range: 2.5–8 h). Abrupt temperature drop (blue arrow) shows that the capsule is excreted after ~11 h 30 min, such that colonic transit time is ~5 h, which is equivalent to the lower limit of normal. In the patient with severe constipation (part b), gastric emptying time is relatively long (~5 h, first green arrow), ileocaecal transit occurs ~16 h after ingestion of the motility capsule (second green arrow), and excretion of the capsule does not occur until 133 h (blue arrow), such that both small bowel transit time (~11 h) and colonic transit time (~117 h) are prolonged. Please note that the timescales are different for the left and right panels. Keller, J. et al. (2018) Advances in the diagnosis and classification of gastric and intestinal motility disorders Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2018.7