Persepolis 1-3 reflection
1. Pg. 3: List similarities & differences. “The Veil” between panels 1. Pg. 3: List similarities & differences “The Veil” between panels. Why does Satrapi make this choice? 2. Pg. 3, pnl. 2: What is the significance that only the author’s arm is in the picture? 3. Pg. 3, pnl. 3. Why is it darker than the other panels? What does it represent? What emotion does the author represent with this? Is it effective?
4. Pg. 3, pnl. 5: Discuss the girls’ reactions to the veil. 5 4. Pg. 3, pnl. 5: Discuss the girls’ reactions to the veil. 5. What is the narrator’s experience with God & religion? How is this represented graphically? What is a prophet and why does she want to be one? 6. How does this chapter make you feel? What does it make you think about? “The Veil”
“The Bicycle” 1. Page 10: young Marjane says, "the revolution is like a bicycle. When the wheels don't turn, it falls." What does her drawing in the next frame suggest about this idea? How have her opinions of the Iranian revolution changed from when she was a child? 2. Why do you think God stops visiting Marjane at the end of the chapter?
“The Water Cell” 1. What's the difference between what Marjane learns in school about the Shah's power and what her father tells her? 2. Why was Marjane's grandfather imprisoned? What effect did this have on his family?
Summarizing chs. 1-3 Flip back through your assigned chapter Summarize the plot (of your assigned chapter) on a post-it Stick your post-it at the end of the chapter (so you have your summary for future reference) Be prepared to share momentarily