IT Directors Group 23-24 October 2006 Agenda Item 1.1 Data transmission Vincent TRONET 2
Coverage SEP by country Report New dataset occurrences by country (barchart based on the last 3 months) Total EU25 3 months 2006: 2897 Total EU25 3 months 2005: 2279 Increase on one year: +27% 50% SEP: 170 40% SEP: 136 Average EU25: 116
Key issues for IT Directors SEP strategy: => 50% coverage country by the end of 2006 => close to 100% coverage in NSI => SPC position May 2006: Endorse data transmission strategy based on SEP & eDAMIS Committed all NSIs to use eDAMIS GESMES generation should be automatic (EDI): => Ideally, all data files sent to Eurostat should come from a central data warehouse and be exported (when relevant) directly in GESMES format without human intervention according to the EDI principles eDAMIS future: => CVD => Web forms => Basic validations => SDMX-ML