English I 5th Six Weeks
Day 1 (2/23 & 2/24) Best Day Ever & Dream Day Writing Review Concrete Detail vs. Commentary Review T-chart: https://prezi.com/akvurpqxcwwp/concrete-detail-and-commentary/ Follow along in note-taker As a group, highlight the passage for CD vs. CM Free write Highlight independent writing
Day 2 (2/25 & 2/26) Journal #1: Best Day Video APE http://www.vevo.com/watch/american-authors/Best-Day-Of-My-Life/USUV71300464 T-chart of CD and CM in personal writing Trade with partner, peer edit with checklist Re-write final draft for two daily grades
How would you describe the tone? Journal #1: Best day Take notes of emotions, body language, actions, and events during this music video in order to answer the question. How would you describe the tone? How does the video director convey the playful, upbeat tone throughout the video?
How does the video director convey the playful, upbeat tone throughout the video? Sentence 1 (Answer): Should restate question with your answer in it: The director uses ______________ to convey the playful tone of the song throughout the video. Sentence 2 (Proof): Use some fact about what you see to support your assertion above: For example, at the end of the video the characters and smiling and dancing/For instance there is a lot of laughter and positive interaction between the characters. Sentence 3 (Explain): So what? What does that fact have to do with your assertion?: Dancing so freely shows the uninhibited nature of the characters and also shows how they are outwardly celebrating their inner joy./The level of comfort and fun between the characters shows the enjoyment of company and of the day.
Day 3 (2/27 & 3/2) Journal #2: Heinz Dilemma Respond & discuss Read Ball Don’t Lie section as whole class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVp_SrAL-Cg In groups, re-read pages 227-230 and answer questions Discuss as whole class
Journal #2: Heinz Dilemma In Europe, a woman was near death from cancer. One new drug might save her. The druggist was charging $2,000, ten times what the drug cost him to make. The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said, “No.” The husband got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug for his wife.
Should the husband have stolen the medicine? Why or why not? Pick one and respond with at least ¾ page: Should the husband have stolen the medicine? Why or why not? Was the pharmacist within his own rights to overcharge for the drug? Why or why not? Either response should have concrete details as well as commentary. EXPLAIN YOUR ARGUMENT!
Why does Dante believe the world is unfair? Respond in Journal Look at your answer to the second question about evidence. Using that as concrete detail, answer the following in APE format. Why does Dante believe the world is unfair? *Remember to explain how the evidence you provide shows his feeling. What does his response say about his life view?
Day 4 (3/3 & 3/4) Journal #3: Inequality and Opportunity Activity and re-reading of fiction piece Graphs/Charts Mini-Lesson: https://prezi.com/asyteu-pffzy/edit/#0_24309637 Read “Wealth Inequality” article in groups Answer guiding questions Create graphic Groups present and explain graphic choice
Journal #3: Inequality Upon completing this lesson, respond to the following question. Write a half to ¾ length page in your journal. Use concrete details as well as commentary to support your argument. Consider the idea of the “American Dream”: if you work hard enough, you can get ahead and be successful. Do you think this is actually possible for all? How can education help even though who are “in the back” with fewer opportunities?
Day 5 (3/5[snow] & 3/6) Achieve 3000 Packets
Day 7 (3/9 & 3/10) Break into stations Read/revise & edit/answer questions/write
Journal #1: ape Respond to the following question by looking at the picture below and answering: How do these two feel about each other?