Life in the Ocean
Why is the Ocean Blue? Absorbed Reflected Color of the water is determine by the way sunlight is Absorbed Reflected
How do plants and animals influence life in the ocean?
How does the deep water move upward? Wind blows parallel to the shore, moving surface water offshore. UPWELLING Wave action
Photosynthesis Reaches the upper 100 m of water Plankton- free floating microscopic living things Zooplankton- ANIMALS Phytoplankton- PLANTS
Nekton Ocean life that can swim Examples ?
Benthos Organisms that live on the Ocean Floor. Examples?
Ocean Environments Benthic Bottom Pelagic Water
Benthic Zone Intertidal zone Sublittoral zone Bathyal zone Abyssal zone Hadal zone
Intertidal Zone Between high and low tides Example: sea anemones and seeweed
Sublittoral Zone Submerged in shallow water Example: sea stars and sea lilies
Bathyal Zone No sunlight zone upto 4000 m deep Example: Octopus and brachiopods
Abyssal Zone No sunlight zone from 4000-6000 m deep Example: Sea cucumbers and worms
Hadal Zone No sunlight zone from below 6000 m deep Example: microorganisms
Pelagic Zone Neritic zone Oceanic zone
Neritic Zone Abundant sunlight Moderate temperatures Low pressure Examples?
Oceanic Zone Deep open ocean 4 zones Marine life decreases with depth