Lecture Objectives: Energy balance and modeling HW1b
Homework assignment 1b Top view T_east_o Teast_i Tinter_surf Tair_in conduction Tair_in IDIR Idif Glass Tinter_surf Tsouth_i Tsouth_o Teast_i T_east_o Tair_out Styrofoam Surface radiation Surface radiation 2.5 m 10 m 10 m South East
Homework assignment 1 Room energy balance 1) External wall (south) node Qsolar_ext_south+C1·A(Tsky4 - Tsouth_o4)+ C2·A(Tground4 - Tsouth_o4)+hextA(Tair_out-Tsouth_o)+Ak/(Tsouth_in-Tsouth_o)=0 Qsolar_ext_south=asolar·(Idif+IDIR) A c1=esky·esurface_long_wave·s·Fsurf_sky 2) Internal wall (south) node C3A(Tinternal_surf4-Tsouth_in4)+C4A( Test_in4-Tsouth_in4)+ hintA(Tair_in-Tsouth_in)+kA /(Tsouth_out--Tsouth_in)+Qsolar_to int _south_surf =0 C3=esouth_in·einternal_surfs· Fsouth_in_to_ internal surface Qsolar_to int _south_surf = portion of transmitted solar radiation that is absorbed by internal south surface
MatLab Example Example code is posted on the class website MatLab at: http://www.ece.utexas.edu/it/student-licensing