Primary PE Co-ordinator Sport Premium Planning Event Carol Gronow Cambridgeshire Adviser for Physical Education and Sport Acting Manager CAS
Aims of this course To understand the new Sport Premium funding To start to develop coherent plans for the best use of the funding and maximise the benefits of the Sport Premium To ensure maximum impact and lasting legacy of the funding for their school
What we had…. PESSCL PESSYP SSP - PDMs, SSCo, PLT CAS CSP – Living Sport NGBs Coaching companies
What we still have… PLT or PE Subject Leaders CAS SSP – PDMs or PMs CSP – Living Sport NGBs School Games, NSSW Change 4 life clubs Coaching companies
Whats coming… Substantial funding direct to schools with primary age pupils, see appendix 1. All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £8000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil. Legacy Ofsted accountability Opportunities New curriculum from 2014
PHYSICAL EDUCATION DELIVERED During curriculum time BY Secondary schools (Specialist PE teacher) Primary (Classroom teacher) HEALTHY ACTIVE LIFESTYLES DELIVERED Outside curriculum time BY SGOs, Teachers, leaders and coaches, health workers COMPETITIVE SCHOOL SPORT DELIVERED Outside curriculum time BY SGOs, TR posts, Teachers young volunteers and coaches COMMUNITY PROVISION Pay and play Leisure and recreation activities CLUB SPORT (NGBs) Clubs and teams Coaching Talent development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Bupa Start 2 Move (KS1) Matalan TOPs (KS2) Sky Sports Living for Sport (KS3/4) Lead your generation HEALTHY ACTIVE LIFESTYLES Change 4 Life Sports Clubs LTSB NSSW (KS2) COMPETITIVE SCHOOL SPORT Sainsburys School Games COMMUNITY PROVISION Sportivate Pay and play Leisure and recreation activities CLUB SPORT (NGBs) Satellite Clubs Clubs and teams Coaching Talent development PESchool Sport
Purpose of Funding Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this. Possible uses for the funding include: hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport new or additional Change4Life sport clubs running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the school games providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs (Source DfE)
Opportunities Outstanding teaching and learning in PE Improved standards across the school Creativity across the curriculum CPD across a range of staff roles High quality coaching Health impact Competitive opportunities
The Sainsburys School Games Vision To increase the number of young people participating, performing, volunteering and learning in school club and competitive sport
INTRA SCHOOL COMPETITION (L1) Year round, multi-sport programme of intra school competition Culminating in a School Games Day INTER SCHOOL COMPETITION (L2 – L3) Year round, multi-sport programme of inter school competition (L2) Culminating in a School Games Festival (L3) MOST TALENTED YOUNG PEOPLE (L4) Single national level multi-sport event for the most talented young people of school age Talent Inspiration programme, ceremonies and volunteer programme progress from L3 The Sainsburys School Games structure
How to take it forwards? Making the most of the funding – see appendix 2 Priorities – audit and planning, needs lead response for each school Developing a confident and competent workforce Purchase of services? Pool money with other schools? Resources?
Outstanding / HQ PE and school sport 10 HQ outcomes Ofsted subject specific guidance
Consider 1. The impact that a high quality physical education and school sport experience can make on young peoples physical, social and cognitive development, their well- being and level of achievement. 2. The different experiences and provision which make up sport in your school. The programme you offer should include high quality physical education as part of the curriculum; enough competitive school sport opportunities for those young people who want to take part as well as activities designed to meet the needs of your least-active young people. With thanks to YST
Resources for teaching What do you have in place? SOW(s) Short/medium/long term plans Sport specific resources TOPs packs Active play / playground resources Multi skills Health / cross curricular resources CDs Core task packs / DVDs HQ PE DVD CPD materials
Investing your primary school sport funding Consider the overall PE and sport provision across the school with respect to all pupils. Identify how best to maximise the impact of PE, physical activity and competitive school sport on young people and school standards. This may include the targeting of specific pupils e.g. using PE and sport as a vehicle to develop numeracy and literacy. Embed the investment within the school development plan to ensure that there is a strategy for the development of teacher confidence and competence in PE and wider outcomes for young people. Build on the generic teaching skills of classroom teachers, giving professional development opportunities, and therefore further expertise, in how to develop physical literacy and the breadth of learning that comprises physical education. Identify a subject co-ordinator for PE and sport, if not in place.
Investing your primary school sport funding cont. Work collaboratively, or in clusters, to develop a creative and higher quality provision. This may allow for a sustainable, local structure to be developed. If adopting this model, do you need to appoint a cluster co-ordinator? Develop physical literacy by focusing on your pupils fundamental movements, then their generic sport skills and ultimately small- sided games. Use qualified and suitably trained coaches to improve the quality and range of school sport offered. By working alongside classroom teachers, coaches can build confidence and competence in your workforce. National Governing Bodies of Sport, sports professionals and coaches create solid links with local community sports clubs, enriching the physical education curriculum (but not replacing it). With thanks to YST
How to maximise the impact over the next year? Clarity of roles and expectations Decide who – in school and beyond Allocate tasks – is support needed? Discuss plans Get feedback Monitor activity Realistic – large job for PLT/PE co-ordinator?
Local support SSP – packages of support and organisation of activity for School Games level 1 & 2 competitions. CSP – Living Sport – supporting pathways for young people and training coaches CAS – full PE subject leader and PE specific training courses and in school training through the year for teachers and TAs. NGBs – offer recognised, trained coaches Coaching companies Self supporting cluster
Deployment of coaches/ASLs Positive Enhance the lesson/ session with technical knowledge. Provide breadth of opportunities (OSHL) Compliment the curricular provision. Provide pathways for pupils beyond the school Negative Lack of understanding of NCPE. Provide only for skill development – 3 strands of PE not catered for. (Ofsted) At odds with curricular provision Not appropriately qualified/experienced Full deployment in NCPE de- skills teaching staff Often unmonitored How to ensure it remains on the positive side? Use the LA/AfPE guidance and checklist in appendix 3
Ofsted A revised version of the handbook will be published for implementation from September 2013 The revised handbook will ask inspectors to consider: "How well the school uses its Sport Premium top improve the quality and breadth of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances levels they are capable of. AfPE and YST Quality Mark
DfE We will require schools to include details about their sporting provision on their school website, alongside their curriculum details. This will enable parents to compare sporting provision across and between schools, both within and beyond the school day.
DfE Primary school years are crucial to tackling obesity and physical inactivity. One in three children leaving primary school are overweight or obese. Regular physical activity, not just competitive sport, is proven to reduce the risk of more than 20 chronic conditions including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.
CPD Who needs training and why? What is available? Whole school training or individual? Curriculum or sport specific?
CPD Once the audit has been completed, establish whether or not the CPD that is being considered will support and develop the individual or groups of staff, in terms of; Confidence; Competency against the Teaching Standards; Increased knowledge, understanding and skills; Higher quality outcomes for children and young people; Raised standards in PE and across the curriculum; Improved PE and sport provision for ALL; Improved collaboration across a family of schools. With thanks to Suffolk Strategy for CPD in PE
In summary Delivering good and outstanding PE lessons Ensuring staff are confident, knowledgeable and competent to deliver PE A well planned appropriate curriculum for ALL Having a varied out of hours programme that meets the needs of all pupils Having a wide range of support resources available Adults other than teachers deployed strategically
Next? Audit and planning with Headteacher and school staff and across schools clusters – time required Carefully thought through strategic use of the funding could have a real impact across the school and improve the Physical Education and sport outcomes for all pupils over the next two years and beyond. What will it look like in 2 years time, July 2015? What will be different/better?
In some ways, leaders live their lives backward. They see pictures in their minds eye of what the results will look like even before theyve started their project. Their clear image of the future pulls them forwards. Kouzes and Posner
What else? TAs/parents/others obtain NGB qualifications paid for by the school Planning/release time for PE co-ordinator Use of Governors Volunteer workforce recruited Administrative support increased Olympic Paralympic values Links to global sports events
Thankyou Questions?