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Imię i nazwisko 1, imię i nazwisko 2 Title of the paper Imię i nazwisko 1, imię i nazwisko 2 Institute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland Copyright Colin Purrington ( Introduction Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia nibh eu odio condimentum imperdiet. Praesent ullamcorper ante porta velit vestibulum, non mollis tortor sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum purus nec odio tincidunt, non euismod lectus rutrum. Suspendisse nec urna rutrum eros posuere pulvinar ac eget sem. In tempus egestas dolor, eu posuere risus faucibus id. Nunc purus nunc, porttitor a lectus ac, viverra molestie nunc. Sed elementum dolor quis nulla tristique, eget rutrum elit laoreet. Research hypotheses Memorability experiment provides usability assessment in rating scale. Results of evaluations provided by memorability experiment and expert review method are comparable. Suspendisse eget porta nisl. Praesent faucibus sodales fringilla. Donec dui purus, dapibus at nulla ut, rhoncus dictum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras vehicula tincidunt facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Results Ut maximus, nibh eget egestas aliquam, elit est placerat urna, a ullamcorper urna lorem nec ex. Phasellus tempor aliquet enim, non suscipit augue porttitor quis. Nulla sit amet risus malesuada, dapibus sapien id, egestas elit. Suspendisse pellentesque, nunc sollicitudin interdum gravida, nibh dolor laoreet enim, eget luctus quam nisl id quam. Phasellus efficitur porttitor ornare. Curabitur quis turpis mauris. Duis id arcu a urna tristique fringilla. Nulla nec bibendum leo. Nullam ullamcorper purus eu enim vestibulum, ac sagittis diam sagittis. Fusce elementum volutpat augue, eget tincidunt risus ultricies quis. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in egestas ante, tincidunt consectetur libero. Methods Mauris sed mattis metus. Maecenas efficitur, sapien id varius convallis, augue nibh sodales est, non placerat arcu ante et massa. Maecenas pulvinar erat nec dolor interdum, id maximus nulla lobortis. Donec vel volutpat dui, a rhoncus dui. Maecenas magna risus, cursus ut erat non, pulvinar placerat dolor. Mauris hendrerit convallis odio sit amet pulvinar. Vestibulum a ultricies mi, consectetur porta augue. Vestibulum a ultricies mi, consectetur porta augue. Application interface. Navigation and data structure. Feedback, system messages, user help. Content. Data input. Research methodology Ut maximus, nibh eget egestas aliquam, elit est placerat urna, a ullamcorper urna lorem nec ex. Phasellus tempor aliquet enim, non suscipit augue porttitor quis. Nulla sit amet risus malesuada, dapibus sapien id, egestas elit. Suspendisse pellentesque, nunc sollicitudin interdum gravida, nibh dolor laoreet enim, eget luctus quam nisl id quam. Phasellus efficitur porttitor ornare. Curabitur quis turpis mauris. Duis id arcu a urna tristique fringilla. Nulla nec bibendum leo. Nullam ullamcorper purus eu enim vestibulum, ac sagittis diam sagittis. Fusce elementum volutpat augue, eget tincidunt risus ultricies quis. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in egestas ante, tincidunt consectetur libero. Curabitur sed iaculis mi, a auctor metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam rhoncus elit id ante tristique accumsan. Sed ullamcorper arcu sed neque dictum, at venenatis justo ornare. Nunc molestie ex vitae consectetur tempor. Conclusions The analysis of results for Hypothesis 1 showed that memorability experiment can provide data to assessment of websites usability in a rating scale. Hypothesis 2 has been fully confirmed. During the research the statistical correlation between the two indicators: WUP and ML of website has been found. Correlation is negative – the higher usability of website GUI measured in WUP causes the lower memorability level. Lublin University of Technology Nadbystrzycka 38 D 20 – 618 Lublin, Poland Zimowe Warsztaty Doktoranckie WEiI 2015