MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Minister of Basic Education and the Minister of Sport on 13 December 2011. Both Departments committed to deliver a sustainable integrated plan to provide school children with opportunity to take part in Physical Education and organized sport through the creation of an accessible and implementable school sport support system. The planning framework action plan captures joint responsibilities as well as specific roles of each department. 1
SCHOOL SPORT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The Joint National Task Team developed the Implementation plan with an intention to guide the process of developing an integrated school sport plan. Below are joint and individual responsibilities: Joint Responsibilities of DBE and SRSA The development of training material for teachers The facilitation of capacity building programmes for teachers Develop a concept document on infrastructure and equipment addressing issues of redress, sharing of facilities and access 2
Finalization of the school sport policy DBE SRSA Finalization of the school sport policy Finalize guidelines for agencies supporting the delivery of school sport Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues Together with provincial governments and federations identify talent at inter-district school tournaments for further development through the academy system Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities Assist national federations in the hosting of national junior championships Host national junior Olympic Games biannually in conjunction with SASCOC (to serve as a feeder system for the IOC Youth Olympic Games) Develop concept for sport focus schools Develop a 5 year competitive school sport plan with federations Develop a 5 year capacity development and training programme for educators in code specific skills Develop a school sport calendar 3
SPECIFIC FOCUS AREAS - DBE Curriculum determination – Physical Education Curriculum enrichment programme in schools inclusive of Mass participation in sport and recreation. Intra/interschool leagues Teacher development 4
SPECIFIC FOCUS AREAS - SRSA Ensure proper support structures are in place Provide support and the necessary expertise to school sport code committee structures Support a national school sport governing structure Support inter and intra school sport activities Upgrade existing facilities and infrastructure to support access Promote competitive and elite school sport at all levels Promote the preparation and delivery of athletes participating in international sport in schools competition.
THREE PILLARS OF SCHOOL SPORT Physical Education Top School Leagues Youth Olympics __________________________________________________________ PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education refers to the integration of Physical Education as a learning area within the curriculum of every school. This is meant to promote sport skills development, healthy living among all learners and further fight challenges of obesity which are currently on the rise among South African learners. While this was previously not the case, Physical Education is now being offered as part of the curriculum in all South African schools. The ongoing challenge is to maximise impact by improving the skills level of educators and to locate Physical Education as a stand-alone learning area (separate it from Life Orientation). 6 6
THREE PILLARS OF SCHOOL SPORT …Cont TOP SCHOOL LEAGUES Top School is a league program where each school will register its School Team which will participate in the leagues' five competition levels, leading to the National School Festivals (i.e., (1) Intra-School, (2) Inter-school level, (3) District level, (4) Provincial level & (5) National level). A good example of Top School League is Premier Soccer League (PSL) model. YOUTH OLYMPICS The Youth Olympic focuses on individual talented athletes at a particular level of the competition. The selected start athletes will then compete with other talented athletes from other areas. These talented athletes are identified by professional talent scouts, sport clubs and federations during the roll-out of the Top School League to form different teams (squads) representing the respective Area, District, Province or the National team. A good example here is the SAFA National Squad. 7 7
SCHOOL SPORT POLICY The policy was released for public comments on 09 December 2011 until 31 March 2012. The comments have been analysed, mainly the concern is ensuring existence and implementation of Physical Education and available educators to teach Physical Education. The JNTT has sourced the services of the policy specialist from UNICEF to finalize the policy. It is envisaged that the policy process will be completed by 31 December 2012. 9
CAPACITY BUILDING Provincial officials of both Departments were trained by SASCOC on the process and progress in the Teacher Development programme on 20 January 2012. SRSA will support Federations to launch their coaching programmes, DBE will identify educators who will benefit from this training. A school sport capacity development committee has been formed consisting of DBE, SRSA, SASCOC and CATHSETA. The committee will review the training material content as well as facilitate and coordinate related activities. 10 10
SCHOOL SPROT CODE COMMITTEES A guideline document on establishment of code committees has been developed, consulted with codes and federations, approved and distributed to provinces for implementation. Provinces are at various levels of implementation.
RESOURCE AUDIT- SCHOOLS SPORT In order to generate a reliable body of knowledge and to inform planning, a Resources Audit exercise has been kickstarted. The audit seeks to gather information on demographics of the schools, available facilities, equipment and human resources for sport. The information will assist both Departments to plan better for sport, as well as to prioritize schools to receive equipment. The exercise is currently underway, covering all the schools and report of this audit will be by end of September 2012 or before. 12
CONDITIONAL GRANT In line with the commitment to step up Schools Sport as a key priority, 50% of the SRSA Conditional Grant for the MTEF of R470 Million has been ring-fenced for School Sport. Of this allocation, 30% has been ring fenced for equipment and attire (R140 892) The breakdown below, shows how the rest of the allocation has been broken down: Ring fence R5m to provide transport, accommodation, all meals, attire and support for the delivery of provincial teams to national school sport competitions Through SLA’s with the 16 provincial federations provide funding for a coordinator for school sport programmes at R180 000 per coordinator per annum 5% to support school sport code structures through SLA’s with provincial federation 20% to support the training of educators 30% to purchase equipment and kit for disadvantaged school 20% to deliver district and provincial competitions 15% for the establishment and support of sport focus schools 10% for cluster co-ordinators to coordinate and support the delivery of school sport programmes and monitoring and evaluation at local level
PROVINCIAL ALLOCATIONS MPP CONDITIONAL GRANT Province MTEF Estimates 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 R'000 Eastern Cape 65,472 69,297 73,104 Free State 34,116 36,146 38,170 Gauteng 73,348 77,635 81,899 KwaZulu-Natal 90,548 95,838 101,103 Limpopo 55,702 59,016 62,321 Mpumalanga 39,685 42,046 44,401 Northern Cape 30,009 32,047 34,276 North West 36,264 38,422 40,574 Western Cape 44,496 47,144 49,784 TOTAL 469,640 497,591 525,632
SPORT FACILITIES Essential to the delivery of Schools Sport Programme is availability of sport equipment and facilities . The current reality is the imbalance in the distribution of equipment especially in the public schools. The Department of Basic Education, National Education Infrastructure Management System (NIEMS) confirms this status. It is for that reason that our priority in delivering sport in schools has to concurrently address the need of facilities and sport equipment 16 16
SCHOOL LEAGUE PARTICIPATION MODEL Levels Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5: National competition to determine national champions. 5 4: Provincial competition to determine provincial champion. 4 3: District competitions to determine district champion. 3 2 : Inter-School competitions to determine area/ town champion. 2 1: Intra-School Competition to select School Team. 1 Ongoing Mass Participation throughout the year Codes on the League programme: Football, Netball, Cricket, Rugby, Athletics, Basketball, Chess, Gymnastics & Volleyball Leagues will be run on a seasonal basis and currently all Federation are finalizing their respective League Participation program based on the National framework. 18 18
REGISTRATION At the beginning of the year, DG – DBE invited schools to register for school league programme The registration was driven by schools themselves and supported by the three parties that constitute the Joint National Task Team (JNTT) As at 19 May 2011, the Registration statistics stood at 10 345. Currently JNTT is stratifying the Registration Data further in order to have a much more clearer in respect of (1) Gender, (2) LSEN, (3) District & Local Municipalities and (4) Age Categories
ATHLETES PATHWAY STRATEGY An active & Winning Nation OUR VISION DATABASE Intra-School Level District Level Provincial Level National Level Inter-School Level District Academy, Federation Clubs, Provincial Academy, National Scientific Support, Federations Talent Confirmation & Development Talent Identification, Confirmation & Development Talent Scouting Talent Scouting & Identification School Sport Community Sport Federations SCHOOLS SPORT : BEDBROCK FOR SPORT & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT
SPORT VOLUNTEER CORP In order to bring more hands on deck, particularly at a local level, a Sport Volunteer Corp Movement was launched on 13 February 2012 in Johannesburg. The Volunteer Corp Movement seeks to mobilize former players, administrator, coaches and sport scientists to support school sport in the communities they reside in, through the respective NFs. Currently NOT all NFs have a dedicated program and systems to accommodate and utilize the Volunteers and this is the task that is still work in progress. This strategy is linked to athlete pathway strategy, SRSA will assist with training!
SPORT FOCUS SCHOOLS Concept document for the Establishment of Sport Focus Schools has been finalized through SRSA, DBE consultations. The principle of the Sport Focus Schools is basically that it will NOT include construction of new infrastructure but designation of existing schools as Sport Focus Schools (lighthouses) in at least each District. SRSA will then put money aside to subside those schools and the Programme scheduled to start in the financial year 2013/14
COMPETITIVE PROGRAMME Road to National School Sport Olympics National School Sport Finals are envisaged to take place on 9 – 14 December 2012 So far, 9 Sporting Codes, i.e Athletics, Basketball, Chess, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Netball, Rugby, Volleyball, Swimming & Tennis, have already confirmed their participation in the finals and they are equally seized with their Participatory Programmes (Roadmap to National Olympics) The venue is not yet confirmed but specifications have been finalized based on the Federations’ inputs. This will be confirmed by end June 2012 SRSA is currently engaging with various NF and their sponsors to aligned the existing championships to reduce duplication. 23 23
SCHOOL LEAGUES REGISTRATION Province Total number of schools in the Province Number of registered schools Percentage Gauteng 2385 1403 58.83% Eastern Cape 5742 2700 47.02% Limpopo 4106 1522 37.07% Free State 1488 540 36.29% North West 1707 605 35.44% Mpumalanga 1939 681 35.12% Kwa Zulu Natal 6147 1467 23.87% Western Cape 1625 114 7.02% Northern Cape 617 171 27.71%