About the Project Opportunity to gain skills needed for employment and further education Make you stand out from all the other 16 year olds leaving school Give you better chances of getting to where you want to be
What do you have to do? Take on responsibility Use your skills outside the classroom Support the Ethos of the school Attendance Have a job in school Help out at an event after school (Year 6 open evening, Christmas Show etc) Take part in the planning and delivery of a House or Year group Worship (This could include Liturgies) Must be above 96% Be a buddy Represent school in a sporting event Take on a responsibility post in form time Perform in a school show Take part in planning and running an event to fund raise for charity. (This could include the charity focus for the school and can be done through working with your form. Be a representative on the Student Council Complete the Arch Bishop Youth Award (KS4) Be a Made in Barnsley Ambassador Represent school in any other capacity Go to Lourdes or Romania
What do you get for doing it? The project is designed to set you apart from all the other students leaving school at the same time as you. It is there to help you achieve more than just good GCSE levels and to give you evidence that you can show to future Employees, Colleges and Universities. It will prove that you are capable of being independent, organised, professional, hard working, reliable and much more. These are the skills that employers and Further/Higher Education providers will be looking for. What do you get for doing it? You will be rewarded in school for completing the project. There are a number of ways you can complete the project and they come with different rewards…
REWARDS… You can graduate… Or, you can graduate with Honours… Take on responsibility Use your skills outside the classroom Support the Ethos of the school Attendance To pass the project, you must successfully complete one task from each of the categories above. Rewards: · You will be invited to a formal graduation style event with your parents/carers · You will have the opportunity to apply for Head Boy/Girl · You will receive a personalised reference to support with applications to Further Education Providers and or Employees Take on responsibility Use your skills outside the classroom Support the Ethos of the school Attendance To pass the project with HONOURS, you must complete at least 2 of each category. Rewards: · You will be invited to a formal graduation style event with your parents/carers · You will have the opportunity to apply for Head Boy/Girl · You will receive a personalized reference to support with applications to Further Education Providers and or Employees Extra: · You will have the opportunity to go on a reward trip (residential if preferred). This will be decided on once the project has been completed and the successful students will choose.
Take on responsibility Have a job in school This is a new opportunity for students at Holy Trinity. There will be a limited number of positions available in each department and the successful applicants will be expected to carry out tasks as they would on work experience (this is not replacing the work experience opportunity in Year 10). Students will need to apply for the roles and will go through a formal interview process. Be a buddy This responsibility is to support the younger students with the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Take on a responsibility post in form time You must ask your form tutor what you can be responsible for . You must have this responsibility for at least 6 months and provide evidence of being successful. Be a representative on the Student Council Anyone can join the student council at any time. See Miss Hunt or Dr Watts for more information Be a Made in Barnsley Ambassador This opportunity was for 12 students and begun at the beginning of Year 9. It is not possible for more students to apply to this. The MIB Ambassadors can use this to complete the task but must show evidence of success through completing the skills booklet to at least level 1. More About the Tasks
Use your skills outside the classroom Support the Ethos of the school Help out at an event after school (Year 6 open evening, Christmas Show etc) To achieve this section, you must arrange to complete one of the tasks. You need evidence to prove your success by completing the relevant section in you record of achievement. You will also need an observation record from the member of staff responsible for you at the time. Represent school in a sporting event Perform in a school show Complete the Arch Bishop Youth Award (KS4) Represent school in any other capacity More About the Tasks Support the Ethos of the school Take part in the planning and delivery of a House or Year group Worship (This could include Liturgies) To achieve either of these tasks, you must take responsibility for the organisation and delivery of the Worship/Charity Event. You do not have to complete this challenge alone but you will need to take on significant responsibility to achieve. The relevant section in your record of achievement will need to be completed along with an observation record from the member of staff responsible for you at the time. Take part in planning and running an event to fund raise for charity. (This could include the charity focus for the school and can be done through working with your form. Go to Lourdes or Romania Your attendance on this trip will complete this challenge. You must still complete the relevant section in the Record of Achievement.
This evidence for this will be provided by school. Attendance Must be above 96% Attendance is so important in school and is equally as important for Colleges, Universities and Employers. This will prove your have an excellent attendance record. This evidence for this will be provided by school. More About the Tasks