The Epistles of Peter & Jude Lesson 16: Beware of False Teachers.(II Peter 2:1-22) “the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.” -- II Peter 2:9
There will be false teachers among you (II Peter 2:1-3a) There were false prophets among the people (Jews), there will false teachers among us. Jesus had predicted it. Matthew 7:15 Secretly introduce destructive heresies. Gal 2:4. Denying the Master. Titus 1:16. II Corinthians 11:13-14. Many will follow them. Characterized by Lasciviousness. Motivated by Covetousness/Greed. Exploit you with false words. Treat you as merchandise. I Tim 6:5, Titus 1:11
There will be false teachers among you (II Peter 2:3b-22) Some False Doctrines Circulating in the late first Century. Jesus’ Deity Questioned. Jesus Humanity Questioned. Threefold Personality of Godhead Denied. Body of Christ not real, but imaginary. General wickedness and corruption.
God will judge false teachers (II Peter 2:3b-22) God’s judgment awaits false teachers (3b-11). Their judgment is not idle/lingers not. God did not spare past sinners Angels Cast them into Hell (Greek Tartarus). Only used in this passage. A pit, holding place for spirits that sinned. Jude 6. Angels who did not keep their own domain. Ancient world in the days of Noah Preserved Noah and seven others. Noah, a preacher of righteousness. (Psa. 119:172) Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19) Indulged in gross immorality. Jude 7. An example of punishment of eternal fire.
God will judge false teachers (II Peter 2:3b-22) God’s judgment awaits false teachers (3b-11). If God Rescued “Righteous” Lot. Who was oppressed by sensual conduct. Tormented by what he saw and heard. Then God Will Rescue the Godly And keep the Unrighteous under punishment. Especially those who: Indulge the flesh in corrupt desires. Romans 1:24-28. Despise Authority. Daring, self-willed, don’t tremble when the revile angelic majesties (or glories). Even Angels do not bring a reviling judgment against then. Jude 9.
God will judge false teachers (II Peter 2:3b-22) Additional Characteristics of false teachers (vs. 12-19). Act like unreasoning creatures of instinct Reviling without knowledge Pleasure in reveling in daytime Carouse Eyes full of adultery Never cease from sin
Characteristics of False TEacher (II Peter 2:3b-22) Characteristics of false teachers (vs. 10-19). Forsake the right way. Followed the way of Balaam. Balaam was motivated by greed. God used a donkey to rebuke him. Like springs without water/mists driven by a storm. Speak arrogant words of vanity. Entice by fleshly desires, sensuality. Promise freedom, though slaves of corruption.
Don’t Heed False Teachers (II Peter 2:3b-22) Better to have never known righteousness, than to go back after escaping (vs. 20-22). Being entangled again results in a worse state. Likened to a “Dog returning to his own vomit” and a “Sow that was washed to the wallowing in the mire”. Compare to Hebrews 6:4-6