Do Now: Create one bibliography card for each piece of literature below. Book by Jac Kinabox, called Surprise Awakening, Published by Line Paper Inc. in Hawaii in 1913. Website info. On 6/30/10 I went to The site was entitled My Favorite Toy Broke. I found it by searching broken toys on Google.
Develop and understanding of how to write effective notes. Objective: Develop and understanding of how to write effective notes.
What a good note has in it. Important facts (keywords/ main ideas). Information in your own words. (less is better). Use language you use, NOT language you think I want to hear. Sound like a student that knows their stuff.
What a note should have continued. Use bullets, not sentences. Use words that tell you (What, Where, When, Why, How, Who). LASTLY REMEMBER Note taking is paraphrasing, no complete sentences. Unless you are Quoting something.
What a note should not have. NO COMPLETE SENTENCES. No Plagiarism, if it comes directly from the book it has to have “ ”. You can go to jail for Plagiarism.
What a note should not have continued. Not too many details. If you have too many your paper will be cluttered. Avoid words like but, the, a, with, can, be, they. These words take up space, and don’t tell you anything.
The format of the note What should go where.
NOTES PAGE Question that is provided Source # PG # Paraphrased information from the source (make sure you understand every word you write. Page number in the source you found the info. Source number on your bibliography card
If you write a sentence from the book with out changing it, one word changes are not changes, you MUST put it into quotes! “QUOTES”
Not exactly what you read on that page. REMEMBER, a good note card has a summary of what you learned or read about on a specific page. Not exactly what you read on that page.
Any Questions?
Find two sources within the room and create two notes per source Find two sources within the room and create two notes per source. Write on loose leaf. GET TO WORK!!!