Lecturer, PhD,Division of Nursing, NVS Project ”Academic Accountability” Implementing and Evaluating Academic Honesty Online for Students (AHOS) Kay Sundberg Lecturer, PhD,Division of Nursing, NVS kay.sundberg@ki.se Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
AHOS - an IT-based pedagogical model Cheating and plagiarism among students a serious concern with rising numbers of offences The project aims to develop, implement and evaluate an IT-based pedagogical model- AHOS - to improve students knowledge and accountability towards academic integrity Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
AHOS A pingpong- activityto enhance knowledge on scientific writing and academic ethics in order to develop the quality of student work and prevent cheating and plagiarism A tutorial and lincs to webb-sites about rules and guidelines regarding cheating & plagiarism and how to write and paraphrase or cite content A quiz with feedback Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
AHOS in the Division of Nursing Spring-2015: a pilot project in the specialist nursing programmes course: Research theory and methods The Distance learning courses performed AHOS-activity The Campus groups – controls Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
The pilot Distant learning students (n=109) AHOS-activity in pingpong Standard course -introduction regarding cheating & plagiarism Tutorial Quiz Evaluation Campus students (n=98) Standard course- introduction regarding cheating & plagiaris Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
Evaluation in the AHOS group at the end of the course Response rate 50% 73% thought AHOS was a support in their academic writing. 100% had improved knowledge of plagiarism…… 100% perceived having the needed knowledge for writing and paraphrasing Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
Spring term-2015 ”Only” 5 diciplinary cases -2 had performed AHOS (1/3 compared to previous years) ”….difficult to understand how to paraphrase or to make the text into your own…” Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019
Implemented as a mandatory course activity Autumn 2015 1 student was ”caught” in URKUND and the case was handed over to the diciplinary committe The master thesis course: 80% considered AHOS a useful tool for academic writing Spring 2016 0 students in URKUND Kay Sundberg 1 januari 2019